
Harpercollins出版集團的最經典品牌,全球知名的“I can read 系列”的看家書




入選《紐約時報》暢銷書單、 《出版者週刊》終身暢銷童書、年度暢銷童書!

The most classic brand of HarperCollins’ publishing group, the world-famous "I can read series" of home reading books have been sold in Europe for nearly 20 years, with global sales of more than 20 million copies. Wang Peifu's book list recommends it strongly! The five-star-rated books on amazon.com, won the Children's Choice Award of the National Library of America; the Washington Irving Award; the Oppenheim children's Book Gold Award - Best Book Award; the Oppenheim children's Book Portfolio Gold Award; and the best book of the Bank Street Institute of education ; was selected into the New York Times bestseller list; "Publisher weekly" lifelong best seller, annual best seller!

“I can read 系列”的Biscuit——《餅乾狗》 “I can read” series——《Biscuit》

這套書講述了Biscuit的生活日常,用溫暖的色調和傳神的畫面表達著快樂、溫馨、充滿生活氣息的小故事This set of books tells the story of Biscuit's daily life, with warm colors and vivid images to convey a happy, warm, and life-filled story.

整體故事內容通俗易懂,特別適合0基礎孩子的英語啟蒙或親子啟蒙The whole story is easy to understand, especially suitable for enlightening infants who don’t know English very well.

讀著讀著,也許你會發現小餅乾的故事不就是我家寶寶的故事嗎?Maybe you will find that the story of the cookie is the story of my baby.

本書的作者是美國當代最受歡迎的兒童作家——艾麗莎.凱普茜麗The author of this book isEliza capcelli, the most popular contemporary American writer for children

簡言之,這套書屢獲大獎,全球已經有超過2000萬個家庭擁有它,併成為它的忠實粉絲,是一套被媒體和家長們公認的親子閱讀佳作。Briefly speaking, this set of books are now owned and loved by more than 20 million families around the world, and are widely recognized by the media and parents as the best reading for children.

臺灣親子英語教育專家汪培珽的英文書單,首推的就是餅乾狗這套書。In the English book list of Wang Pei Ting, an expert in parent-child English education in Taiwan, Biscuit is the first one.

圖畫引起孩子們的興趣The pictures interest the children

作者根據孩子的喜好繪製的圖畫內容風格,簡單溫馨,貼近孩子,孩子容易接受就會產生興趣,怎麼能讓人不喜歡呢~The content and style of the pictures drawn by the author according to the children's preferences are simple, warm and close to the children. The children will be interested if they are easy to accept. How can people not like them~

比如這個畫面像不像媽媽讓寶寶上床睡覺的表現,蓋好被子,準備好孩子喜歡的玩具……For example, does this picture look like a mother putting her baby to bed, covering up the quilt and preparing the toys the child likes

文字簡單生動 The words are simple and vivid

書裡文字清晰,重複率很高,孩子會在腦海裡留下很深刻的印象,句型簡單,孩子聽一兩遍以後就可以跟讀,比如:The words in the book are clear and the repetition rate is very high. Children will be deeply impressed in their minds. The sentence pattern is simple. After listening to it once or twice, children can follow it. For example:

“Time for a bath”這句話出現了三次,但是每次出現都是不同的畫面,讓孩子不覺得枯燥,反而畫面感十足!孩子可以主動接受,英語就可以自然講出來了This sentence appears three times, but each time there is a different picture, so that children do not feel boring, but full of picture sense! Children can take the initiative to accept and speak English

不同的故事一樣的精彩 Different stories are equally wonderful

故事講述了小餅乾日常生活中的一個個小事:洗澡、找朋友、去做客、過生日,做遊戲等等,有歡笑,有失意,有困難,有勝利…雖然簡單,卻充滿生活氣息。The story tells the little things in biscuit's daily life: taking a bath, looking for friends, going to be a guest, having a birthday, playing games, etc. Simple as it is, it is full of life.

比如,在這本 <Biscuit Goes to School >中,小主人叮嚀Biscuit“狗狗不可以去學校”,說罷便搭上校車上學去。不過,Biscuit完全沒把小主人的話記在腦裡,刻在心裡。是不是跟孩子很像!你說你的,他想他的,完全跟你不在一個頻道上。For example, in the book "Biscuit Goes to School >," the owner tells Biscuit that "the dog can't go to School," and gets on the School bus. But Biscuit never took his master's words to heart. Is it like a child? You say yours, he thinks his, not on the same channel at all.

比如<Biscuit Finds a FriendBiscuit>遇到了一隻迷路的小鴨子,它幫小鴨子找回家的路。好玩的事要發生咯~汪汪!嘎嘎!For example, < biscuit finds a friend > biscuit meets a lost Duckling and helps him find his way home. Funny things are going to happen! Woof! Gaga!

是不是現在很想和孩子一起閱讀這系列的繪本呢?Do you want to read this series of picture books with your children now?

那就來館裡借閱吧~趁著假期還未結束和孩子一起感受小餅乾的生活吧~come to the library to borrow it ~Check them out and enjoy the cookie life with your kids while the holidays are still going on

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