對於新S級的自動駕駛硬體配置,引用官方發言人的說法,我們的硬體旨在支援標準的L2功能,並且已經可以擴充套件到L3應用,這兩種應用都是由我們內部的軟體專家程式設計。“Our hardware was designed to allow benchmark L2 functionalities and already be scalable for L3 applications — both being programmed by our SW-experts in-house.”
on board the new S-Class with the standard Driving Assistance package:
2前側向角雷達Front multi-mode radar: 2 radar sensors with an aperture angle of 130°1正前向長距雷達Front long-range radar: 1 radar sensor with an aperture angle of 90° and 9°1正前向雙目攝像頭Front stereo multi-purpose camera: 1 camera with an aperture angle of 70°2後側向角雷達Rear multi-mode radar: 2 radar sensors with an aperture angle of 130°環視攝像頭360° camera (close range): 4 cameras with aperture angle of 180°12個超聲波雷達Ultrasonic (close range): 12 sensors with an aperture angle of 120°如果升級為L3,對應的感測器則包括以下內容:
inside the Drive Pilot add-on package are:
法雷奧16線鐳射雷達 Scala2代 Valeo lidar (highest range and resolution in production 16 lines) 高精定位GNSS (high precision localization) 視覺融合定位Visual localization 冗餘執行器Redundant actuators 冗餘計算單元Redundant compute 後視攝像頭/麥克風Rear camera and microphones for emergency vehicle detection 溼度感測器Street condition sensor (wetness) 前置熱像儀Front thermal cam (in the grill for passive ADAS) 高精度地圖HERE HD live maps: going into production first time (first HD map being used for ADAS in EU (excluding Mobileye REM)溼度感測器,可能是海拉推出的新產品。採用溼度感測器來感知路面,從而判斷車輛是否達到開啟L3功能也確有必要。同時由於駕駛員經常低估道路的溼度,因而當車輛行駛到非常潮溼的路面上時,輪胎會打滑並失去牽引力,從而導致事故的發生。這款感測器可以探測到路面上的積水,並將駕駛系統調整至更穩定的狀態。為了實現“溼度檢測”,海拉生產的Structural Health and Knock Emission(以下簡稱SHAKE)感測器已被整合至新款保時捷911的前車輪拱內襯中。SHAKE技術可以讓車輛透過雷達和攝像頭系統等感知周圍環境,同時透過壓電元件,使得SHAKE感測器能夠探測到空氣中水滴的振動,從而確定輪胎與路面之間的溼度。
那麼新S級的L3功能具體是什麼呢?Highway Traffic Jams,實現在高速公路60km/h以下時速以下的脫手脫眼自動駕駛。系統在符合條件下開啟,並在退出前提前10秒通知駕駛員接管。目前正在等待不同國家的法規審批,實現功能的速度上限也會因不同國家政策而有所調整,例如在英國可能會調整到70km/h。目前美國、英國等主要市場尚未批准相關法規。官方也並未給出時間表。
The feature is currently restricted to highway traffic jams, but it will allow drivers to legally divert their attention from monitoring the road.