  • 1 # 一貳一橙













  • 2 # 歷史停一秒


























  • 3 # 楊紫姐姐

    唐高祖李淵(566年1月13日—635年),字叔德,祖籍隴西成紀(今甘肅秦安西北),唐朝開國皇帝,傑出的政治家和戰略家。李淵出身於北朝的關隴貴族,七歲襲封唐國公。隋末天下大亂時,李淵乘勢從太原起兵,攻佔長安。公元618年5月,李淵稱帝,國號唐,定都長安,不久之後便統一了全國。玄武門之變後,李淵退位成為太上皇。貞觀九年,李淵病逝。諡號太武皇帝,廟號高祖,葬在獻陵。唐高宗上元元年(674年)八月,改上尊號為神堯皇帝。唐玄宗天寶十三載二月,上尊號神堯大聖大光孝皇帝。 李淵 祖父李虎,是北魏(後魏)的隴西郡公,西魏時,官最高做到太尉,宇文覺受魏禪建立北周,追封其為唐國公,這就是後來李淵所建大唐年號的來歷。李淵之父李昞繼承了唐國公的封號,在北周時任柱國大將軍。李淵於公元566年(北周天和元年)出生在長安,僅七歲就繼承了唐國公的稱號。因為有了較高的出身,加上他本人的豁達與寬厚,才幹出眾,所以威望很高。李淵做過刺史,隋煬帝即位之初做了滎陽(今河南滎陽)、樓煩(今山西靜樂縣)兩個郡的太守,後來任殿內少監、衛尉少卿。公元613年(大業九年),隋煬帝征伐高句麗時,李淵在懷遠鎮督運糧草。這時,楊玄感利用民憤舉兵反隋,後來失敗。在這期間,李淵奉命鎮守弘化郡(今甘肅慶陽縣),廣交天下豪傑,遭到隋煬帝的猜疑。在615年調任山西、河東,到達龍門時,遇上了母端兒農民起義,李淵領兵擊敗了起義軍,收編萬餘人,實力大增。第二年,他升為右驍衛將軍,任太原道安撫大使,從此落腳太原,經營後來的起家之地。鎮守太原之初,李淵就表現出過人的軍事謀略。隋煬帝從樓煩巡遊到雁門時,被突厥兵包圍,因為李淵的太原兵才得以解圍。隋煬帝便讓他和馬邑郡守王仁恭一同北擊突厥。但他們的兵馬很少,不足五千。李淵便選出擅長騎射的兩千騎兵,吃住騎射仿效突厥兵,向突厥炫耀武力,等和突厥兵遭遇時李淵便下令攻擊,結果打敗突厥,從此之後,突厥不敢再輕易南下了。 617年,李淵正式任太原留守,成為一地最高長官。這裡糧草充足,兵員廣闊,李淵在此紮下根來,開始積蓄力量。 李淵為了鞏固太原這塊根據地,北面和突厥交好,消除隱患,南面主要是鎮壓了歷山飛起義軍。歷山飛是農民起義軍領袖魏刀兒的外號,共有十萬多人,李淵和副留守王威領兵五六千與之決戰於河西郡(今山西汾陽)的雀鼠谷。王威見對方兵多,便有些畏懼,李淵卻勸他不必擔心,說以智取勝一戰必勝。等歷山飛的軍佇列陣十餘里長,向李淵他們進攻時,李淵將部隊分成兩陣,第一是大陣,主要是老弱兵,讓他們多樹旗幟,後面跟隨許多輜重。第二陣是小陣,以數百名精銳騎兵分列左右隊。開始將士都不解其意,王威只好率大陣前進。歷山飛以為李淵就在大陣之中,便率主力進攻,看到輜重後又爭相搶奪。趁此混亂之機,李淵率騎兵突然襲擊,一舉沖垮敵陣,打敗歷山飛的軍隊。李淵之所以如此用兵,是看到了敵我力量對比懸殊,不能正面決戰,他抓住了對方紀律差的致命弱點,用了騎兵快速襲擊打亂敵陣,然後趁機掩殺的作戰方針,大獲全勝。擊敗歷山飛起義軍後,李淵透過收編其殘餘,進一步壯大了自己的力量。 公元611年(大業七年),各地農民起義不斷,全國共有近二百多支反隋起義軍。後來逐漸形成三支主力,即竇建德河北起義軍,杜伏威領導的江淮起義軍,李密、翟讓的瓦崗軍。在617年,馬邑郡(今山西朔縣)人、鷹揚府校尉劉武周因為和太守王仁恭的侍女私通,怕被發現,便以貪汙之名殺死了王仁恭,起兵建立定陽國,自稱天子。李淵就以討伐劉武周為名,開始招兵。因為這時還是以隋朝官員的名義行事,所以在很短的時間裡便招到近萬人。這遭到太原副留守王威和高君雅的猜疑,他們都是隋煬帝的親信,對李淵頗有戒心。李淵則拉攏、利用他們身邊的親信掌握其動向。等李淵要正式起兵時便設計鋤掉了身邊的兩個隱患。 617年(大業十二年)五月十四日的夜裡,李淵命李世民在晉陽(即太原)宮城外埋下伏兵。第二天早晨,李淵和王威、高君雅議事。劉文靜領開陽府(太原十八府之一)的司馬劉政會到庭中,說有密狀給李淵。李淵便讓他交上來,但劉會政卻不交,說要告的是副留守,只有李淵才能看。李淵假裝吃驚地說:“怎麼會有這種事?”李淵看後便對大家說:“王威、高君雅要勾結突厥入侵。”於是命人逮捕了他們二人。第二天,恰好有突厥幾萬人圍攻太原,這更使人相信了。李淵趁機將二人殺掉。除了內患,李淵又智退突厥兵,然後與突厥和好,消除了北方的威脅。殺掉王威和高君雅之後,李淵便和將士緊密防守,對付突厥。他命裴寂和劉文靜堅守城門,同時又讓大門洞開。城牆上也不樹旗幟。守城士兵不許張望、喧譁。這使突厥不明底細,不敢入城。李淵又在夜裡派兵出城,早晨改道進城,使突厥誤以為是援兵到達。最後突厥只好退兵走了。李淵的軍事智謀由此可見一斑。突厥兵雖然退去了,但難保不再來。為了從根本上解決問題,李淵給突厥寫了書信:“若能從我,不侵百姓,征伐所得,子女玉帛,皆可汗有之。”信中為了穩住突厥,李淵”啟“表示尊重,這樣做也是為了給南下用兵掃除後顧之憂。李樹桐的《唐史考辨》裡,綜合分析了古代史料和文獻,充分證明了事實是李淵沒有稱臣於突厥,那些李淵稱臣於突厥的記載都是來源於許敬宗的偽造。 [3] 617年(大業十三年)七月,李淵率軍三萬誓師,正式起兵。在釋出的檄文裡斥責隋煬帝聽信讒言,殺害忠良,窮兵黷武,致使民怨沸騰,“豺狼充於道路”,因此,李淵要廢掉昏君隋煬帝,尊為太上皇,然後擁立代王楊侑為帝。其實,這僅僅是李淵的一種號召天下的策略而已,等時機一成熟,他便自己稱帝了。 李淵在太原起兵之後,便以進軍關中拿下長安為最終目標。西進的第一個障礙便是西河郡(今山西汾陽縣)。李建成和李世民兄弟兩僅用了九天便得勝而歸,使得李淵喜出望外。然後,李淵建立了自己的基本的軍事和政權機構:設定大將軍府,自稱大將軍,長子李建成為隴西公、左領軍大都督,統領左三軍。李世民為敦煌公、右領軍大都督,統領右三軍。裴寂和劉文靜為長史司馬。 李淵畫像 第二戰是決戰霍邑(今山西霍縣)。在霍邑的西北有個賈胡堡,是霍邑的門戶,但守衛霍邑的宋老生卻沒有派兵把守,李淵由此斷定宋老生是個無能之輩。李淵害怕宋老生守城不出,打成持久戰對自己不利。李世民卻認為可以挑戰引他出來決戰。於是李淵讓兩個兒子領幾十名騎兵近城觀察,自己將部隊分成十幾隊,從城東南到西南,擺出一副安營攻城的架勢。宋老生果然中計,以為李淵要攻城,便領兵三萬出戰。李淵領兵假裝後退,讓李建成和李世民領兵搶佔了東門和南門,切斷了宋老生的退路。在交戰中李淵又散佈宋老生已經戰死的謠言,動搖了隋軍的軍心。隋軍大敗,全軍覆沒。宋老生也在被守軍用繩子往城牆上提時,被李淵的軍頭盧軍諤跳起殺死。李淵順利佔領了霍邑。此後,李淵又攻打河東,沒有攻下。李淵聽從了李世民直接入關中的建議,分兵攻長安。等圍攻長安成功建立唐朝之後,又繼續圍困,到620年(唐高祖武德三年)正月才最終佔領河東。登基 佔領長安 稱帝建唐 在招降長安失敗後,李淵下令攻城,佔領之後又下令禁止擄掠百姓,受到百姓們夾道歡迎。在617年(隋大業十三年)十一月,李淵擁立隋代王楊侑為帝,即隋恭帝,改元義寧,尊在江都(今江蘇揚州)的隋煬帝為太上皇帝,李淵為大丞相,封唐王,以武德殿為丞相府(所以後來李淵便以“武德”為自己在位時的年號),李世民為秦公。這實際是在為以後稱帝搞一個過渡。到618年(大業十四年)五月,隋煬帝的右屯衛將軍宇文化及在江都兵變,勒死了隋煬帝。然後立秦王楊浩為帝,自己做大丞相。隨後領兵十萬北上,但被李密打敗,宇文化及敗走魏縣(今河北大名東),毒死楊浩,自己稱帝,建立許國,自稱( 許太祖 )高皇帝,也有史家稱之為 隋廢帝 。公元619年,未過足皇帝癮的宇文化及在聊城被竇建德殺死。公元618年(武德元年),李淵逼隋恭帝楊侑禪位,稱帝建唐,改年號為武德,定都長安。

    英語翻譯:Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty (January 13, 566-635), with the word Shude, was born in Longxi Chengji (now northwest of Qin"an, Gansu), the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, an outstanding statesman and strategist. Li Yuan was born in the Guanlong noble family in the Northern Dynasties. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, when the world was in turmoil, Li Yuan took advantage of the momentum to attack Chang"an from Taiyuan. In May 618 AD, Li Yuan proclaimed himself emperor, the country was named Tang, and his capital was Chang"an. Soon after, he unified the country. After the Xuanwu Gate changed, Li Yuan abdicated and became the Supreme Emperor. In the nine years of Zhenguan, Li Yuan died of illness. The posthumous name is Taiwu Emperor and the temple is named Gaozu, and he is buried in Xianling Mausoleum. In August of the first year of Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty (674), the name of Shangzun was changed to Emperor Shen Yao. In February of the thirteenth anniversary of the Tianbao of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, he was named Emperor Yao, the Great Sage and Emperor Daguangxiao. Li Yuan’s grandfather, Li Hu, was the Longxi County Lord of the Northern Wei Dynasty (Later Wei). In the Western Wei Dynasty, the highest official was Taiwei. Yu Wenjue was established by Wei Chan in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and later named Tang Guogong. This is the later Tang Dynasty established by Li Yuan. The origin of the number. Li Yuan"s father, Li Fang, inherited the title of Tang Guogong and served as the general of Zhu Guo in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Li Yuan was born in Chang"an in 566 AD (the first year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty) and inherited the title of Tang Guogong at the age of seven. Because of his relatively high background, coupled with his own open-mindedness and generosity, his talents are outstanding, so his prestige is high. Li Yuan served as the governor. At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, Emperor Yang served as the prefect of Xingyang (present-day Xingyang, Henan) and Loufan (present-day Jingle County, Shanxi), and later served as the junior superintendent in the palace and Wei Shaoqing. In 613 AD (the 9th year of the great cause), when Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty conquered Goguryeo, Li Yuan supervised the transportation of grain and grass in Huaiyuan Town. At this time, Yang Xuangan used popular anger to raise troops to fight against the Sui Dynasty, but later failed. During this period, Li Yuan was ordered to guard Honghua County (present-day Qingyang County, Gansu), to make friends with the world"s heroes, and was suspected by Emperor Sui Yang. In 615, he was transferred to Shanxi and Hedong. When he arrived at Longmen, he encountered a peasant uprising in Muduan"er. Li Yuan led the army to defeat the uprising army and recruited more than 10,000 people, greatly increasing his strength. In the following year, he was promoted to General You Xiaowei and served as Taiyuan Road Appeasement Ambassador. Since then, he settled in Taiyuan and managed the place where he started. At the beginning of guarding Taiyuan, Li Yuan showed extraordinary military strategy. When Emperor Yang of Sui paraded from Loufan to Yanmen, he was surrounded by Turkic soldiers. It was because of Li Yuan"s Taiyuan soldiers that he was able to escape. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty asked him to attack the Turks north together with Wang Ren Gong, the guard of Mayi County. But they have few soldiers and horses, less than five thousand. Li Yuan selected two thousand cavalry soldiers who were good at cavalry and shooting. They followed the example of Turkic soldiers and showed off their strength to the Turks. When they encountered the Turkic soldiers, Li Yuan ordered an attack and defeated the Turks. From then on, the Turks did not dare to go south easily. . In 617, Li Yuan formally served as Taiyuan to stay behind and became the supreme officer of the place. There is plenty of food and grass, and the soldiers are vast. Li Yuan took root here and began to accumulate strength. In order to consolidate the base area of Taiyuan, Li Yuan made good relations with the Turks in the north and eliminated hidden dangers. In the south, the Li Shanfei rebels were suppressed. Li Shanfei is the nickname of Wei Dao"er, leader of the peasant uprising army. There are more than 100,000 people. Li Yuan and his deputy Wang Wei led five or six thousand soldiers to fight with them in Queshu Valley in Hexi County (now Fenyang, Shanxi). Wang Wei was a little scared when he saw that the opponent had a lot of soldiers, but Li Yuan advised him not to worry, saying that winning with wisdom will win. When Li Shanfei’s army formation was more than ten miles long and attacked Li Yuan and the others, Li Yuan divided the army into two formations. The first was the large formation, mainly the old and weak soldiers. They were asked to set up more flags and follow a lot of luggage. The second formation is a small formation, with hundreds of elite cavalry lined up on the left and right. At first the soldiers were puzzled, and Wang Wei had no choice but to advance in a large array. Li Shanfei thought that Li Yuan was in the big formation, so he led the main force to attack, and after seeing the heavy baggage, he scrambled to grab. Taking advantage of this chaos, Li Yuan led the cavalry to attack suddenly, smashing the enemy and defeating Li Shanfei"s army. The reason why Li Yuan used troops in this way was that he saw the disparity between the enemy and the enemy and could not fight head-on. He grasped the enemy"s Achilles heel of poor discipline and used cavalry to quickly attack and disrupt the enemy"s formation, and then took the opportunity to cover up and kill the battle policy, winning a big victory. After defeating the Li Shanfei uprising army, Li Yuan further strengthened his strength by incorporating its remnants. In 611 AD (the seventh year of the Great Cause), peasant uprisings continued, and there were nearly two hundred anti-Sui uprising troops across the country. Later, three main forces gradually formed, namely Dou Jiande Hebei Uprising Army, Jianghuai Uprising Army led by Du Fuwei, and Wagang Army led by Li Mi and Zhai Rang. In 617, Liu Wuzhou, a native of Mayi County (now Shuo County, Shanxi) and a lieutenant of Yingyang Mansion, killed Wang Rengong in the name of corruption because he had an affair with the maid of the prefect Wang Rengong, and he set up Dingyang. Country, claiming to be the emperor. Li Yuan began to recruit troops in the name of crusade against Liu Wuzhou. Because it was still acting in the name of Sui Dynasty officials, nearly 10,000 people were recruited in a short time. This was suspected by Wang Wei and Gao Junya, the deputy left-behind in Taiyuan, who were all close followers of Emperor Sui Yang and were quite wary of Li Yuan. Li Yuan wooed them and used their cronies to control their movements. When Li Yuan was about to formally raise troops, he designed to remove two hidden dangers around him. On the night of May 14th in 617 (the twelfth year of the great cause), Li Yuan ordered Li Shimin to lay an ambush outside the palace of Jinyang (that is, Taiyuan). The next morning, Li Yuan discussed matters with Wang Wei and Gao Junya. Liu Wenjing led Sima Liu Zhenghui of Kaiyang Mansion (one of the 18th Mansion in Taiyuan) to the court and said that there was a secret letter to Li Yuan. Li Yuan asked him to hand it in, but Liu Huizheng refused to hand it in, saying that the deputy was staying behind and only Li Yuan could watch it. Li Yuan pretended to be surprised and said: "Why is there such a thing?" Li Yuan said to everyone after watching: "Wang Wei and Gao Junya are going to collude with the Turkic invasion." So they were ordered to arrest them. The next day, tens of thousands of Turks happened to besiege Taiyuan, which is even more convincing. Li Yuan took the opportunity to kill the two. In addition to internal troubles, Li Yuan wisely retreated the Turkic soldiers and reconciled with the Turks, eliminating the threat from the north. After killing Wang Wei and Gao Junya, Li Yuan defended closely with the soldiers to deal with the Turks. He ordered Pei Ji and Liu Wenjing to guard the city gate, and at the same time let the gate open. There are no flags on the walls. Guardsmen are not allowed to look around or make noise. This makes the Turks unclear and dare not enter the city. Li Yuan sent troops out of the city at night, and changed his route into the city in the morning, making the Turks mistakenly believe that reinforcements arrived. Finally the Turks had to retreat and leave. Li Yuan"s military ingenuity can be seen from this. Although the Turkic soldiers retreated, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not come again. In order to solve the problem fundamentally, Li Yuan wrote a letter to the Turks: "If I can not invade the people, the income from the conquest, and the children’s jade silk, all Khan has it." In the letter, in order to stabilize the Turks, Li Yuan "qi" expressed respect. , This is also to clear away the worries of the soldiers going south. In Li Shutong’s "A Research on the History of the Tang Dynasty", a comprehensive analysis of ancient historical materials and documents fully proves the fact that Li Yuan did not claim a vassal in the Turks. Those records of Li Yuan claiming a vassal in the Turks were all forged by Xu Jingzong. [3] In July 617 (the thirteenth year of the great cause), Li Yuan led an army of 30,000 oath divisions and officially launched his army. In the published essay, he accused Sui Yang Emperor of listening to the slander, killing Zhongliang, and violating the army, causing public grievances and "wolves filling the road." Therefore, Li Yuan wanted to abolish Emperor Sui Yang, honored Emperor Yang, and then support Yang You, the king of Sui. For the emperor. In fact, this is just a strategy of Li Yuan to call on the world. When the time is right, he will proclaim himself emperor. After Li Yuan raised his troops in Taiyuan, his final goal was to march into Guanzhong and win Chang"an. The first obstacle to the westward movement was Xihe County (now Fenyang County, Shanxi). It took only nine days for the brothers Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin to return after victory, making Li Yuan overjoyed. Then, Li Yuan established his own basic military and political institutions: he set up a general mansion and called himself a general. The eldest son Li Jiancheng became the governor of Longxi Gong, the left leader, and commanded the left three armies. Li Shimin was the chief governor of Dunhuang, the leader of the right, and the three right armies. Pei Ji and Liu Wenjing are Chang Shi Sima. Portrait of Li Yuan The second battle was the decisive battle Huo Yi (now Huo County, Shanxi). There is Jiahu Fort in the northwest of Huo Yi, which is the gateway to Huo Yi, but Song Laosheng, who guards Huo Yi, did not send soldiers to guard him. Li Yuan thus concluded that Song Laosheng was an incompetent man. Li Yuan was afraid that Song Laosheng would not be able to defend the city, and it would not be good for him to fight for a long time. Li Shimin thought he could be challenged to lead him to a decisive battle. So Li Yuan asked his two sons to lead dozens of cavalry to observe the city, and he divided the troops into dozens of teams, from the southeast to the southwest of the city, in a posture of camp and siege. Song Laosheng really got the trick, thinking that Li Yuan was going to attack the city, so he led thirty thousand soldiers into the battle. Li Yuan led the troops to pretend to retreat, let Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin lead the troops to seize the East Gate and South Gate, cutting off Song Laosheng"s retreat. During the battle, Li Yuan spread the rumors that Song Laosheng had died in battle, shaking the military heart of the Sui army. The Sui Army was defeated and the whole army was wiped out. Song Laosheng was also taken to the city wall with a rope by the defenders when he was killed by Li Yuan"s army chief Lu Junyi jumping up and killing him. Li Yuan successfully occupied Huo Yi. After that, Li Yuan attacked Hedong again, but did not take it. Li Yuan obeyed Li Shimin"s suggestion to enter the pass directly, and divided his troops into Chang"an. After the successful siege of Chang"an and the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the siege continued until the first month of the first month of 620 (Tang Gaozu Wude 3rd year) before finally occupying Hedong. Ascended to the throne, occupied Chang"an, and called the emperor built Tang Dynasty. After the failure of surrendering to Chang"an, Li Yuan ordered the siege of the city. After the occupation, he ordered the prohibition of plundering the people, which was welcomed by the people. In November 617 (the 13th year of the Great Cause of the Sui Dynasty), Li Yuan supported Emperor Yang Yu of the Sui Dynasty as Emperor Gong, changed Yuan Yining, and respected Emperor Yang in Jiangdu (now Yangzhou, Jiangsu) as Emperor Taishang. Li Yuan was the prime prime minister, named the king of Tang Dynasty, and Wu De Hall was the prime minister"s residence (so later Li Yuan used "wu De" as his reign name), and Li Shimin was Qin Gong. This is actually making a transition for the future emperorship. In May 618 (the fourteenth year of the great cause), Emperor Yang’s culture of General Youtunwei and his mutiny in Jiangdu strangled Emperor Yang to death. Then he made Qin King Yang Hao the emperor and became the prime minister himself. Then he led a hundred thousand troops northward, but was defeated by Li Mi, Yu Wenhua and defeated Wei County (now Hebei Daming East), poisoned Yang Hao, proclaimed himself emperor, established Xu Guo, proclaimed himself (Xu Taizu) the emperor Gao, and also known by historians. For the emperor of the Sui Dynasty. In 619 AD, the Yu culture, which had not passed the emperor"s addiction, was killed by Dou Jiande in Liaocheng. In 618 AD (the first year of Wude), Li Yuan forced Emperor Gongdi Yang Yu of the Sui Dynasty to take the position of Zen.

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