  • 1 # 青田視野




    張國榮,47歲就離開這個紛擾的世界,可謂是讓人驚詫!很多人到現在依然覺得,哥哥就在!可能是真的喜歡哥哥張國榮吧?你喜歡張國榮嗎?The first reaction was disbelief. First of all, I think that Zhang Guorong will not die suddenly when he is in the prime of his life. Moreover, the day when he passed away happened to be April Fool"s day in the west, and we all don"t believe it. Because of this, maybe everyone"s mood is not so heavy, until the news is confirmed and exposed, many people are in grief, some are family members, some are Friends, some are fans, some are melon eaters.

    Secondly, many people did not accept his death. One was his lover, Tang Hede, who cried so much that he even attended his brother"s funeral as a person who was not dead. There were also friends in the circle, such as Anita Mui and Zhou Runfa, who fell into grief and wrote articles in memory of him. His fans can"t accept the reality. Zhang Guorong, this excellent star, has the respect to others, causes the human to have the cordial feeling, therefore, only then so many people like.

    Zhang Guorong"s disappearance is a loss to the film and music industry. His performance in film and TV plays can be described as God level, and his contribution to music is also a leader. He won awards in the film and television industry and music industry, which shows how influential Zhang Guorong is in the film and television and entertainment industry! His disappearance makes the film and TV series lose a popular actor, and the music industry loses a guide to pop music. Even now, there are still people who cherish the memory of his brother. It can be seen that his charm is so great!

    Zhang Guorong, 47 years old to leave this troubled world, can be said to be surprising! Many people still feel that brother is here! Maybe I really like my brother Zhang Guorong? Do you like Zhang Guorong?

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你喜歡趙露思嗎?為什麼?