  • 1 # 可樂在家嗎




  • 2 # 水木清華鄭先生


    We are confused about the future and tired of life because we have no idea what we need.

    正在經歷的孤獨,我們稱之為迷茫。經過的那些孤獨,我們稱之為成長。The loneliness we are experiencing is called confusion. We call it growth after the loneliness.

    如果你感到委屈,證明你還有底線。如果你感到迷茫,證明你還有追求。如果你感到痛苦,證明你還有力氣。如果你感到絕望,證明你還有希望。這麼一說,不管生活多難,你永遠不會被打倒,因為你還有你。If you feel wronged, prove that you still have the bottom line. If you"re lost, prove that you"re still looking. If you feel pain, you still have strength. If you feel hopeless, prove that you still have hope. That said, no matter how hard life is, you will never be defeated, because you still have you.


    I truly beg you that you can believe how special you are and love who you really love, do what you should do, follow your heart without caring about practical gains or loss.

    一個有信仰的人生,不管成不成功,至少不會迷茫。A belief in life, whether successful or not, at least not confused.

    不管在什麼地方上班,請記住,工作不養閒人,團隊不養懶人。沒有哪個行業的錢是好賺的。賺不到錢,賺知識;賺不到知識,賺經歷;賺不到經歷,賺閱歷!只有先改變自己的態度,才能改變人生的高度。讓人迷茫的原因只有一個,那就是本該拼搏的年紀,卻想得太多,做得太少。No matter where you go to work, just remember that work does not raise idlers, and the team does not raise idlers. It"s not easy to make money in every industry. If you can"t make money, you can gain knowledge; if you can"t gain knowledge, you can earn an experience; if you can"t earn an experience, you can at least get experience! Only by changing your attitude first can you change the height of your life. There is only one reason for your confusion, that is, at the age when you should be struggling, you always think too much but do too little.

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