  • 1 # Salling


    首先電影是《hello 樹先生》王寶強主演。




    Make more time讓時間更有意義歌中的獨白是摩根弗里曼的,臺詞來自於紀錄片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《與摩根·弗里曼一起探索宇宙的起源》)


    歌詞:Money is not evil by itself錢本身無罪Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways錢只是商品流通的交換介質,只是一張紙If not money – what is evil you may ask?那你會問,什麼是邪惡?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more邪惡是上癮的道德扭曲的慾望Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold是強迫自己無休止地覬覦at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些並不存在的夢幻Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost邪惡是你內心不惜一切代價獲取經濟利益的價格標籤Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again是貪得無厭,索取幸福until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虛幻的蜃景消逝Make more time獲得更多時間I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful我並不是說你不能在經濟上取得成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success我是說有一個偉大的生活目標會超越經濟方面的成功Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的靈魂在尖叫著等你最真切的迴應You can change today if you redefine what success is to you如果你重新定義成功,你可能改變自己的現狀You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可能改善並重新建立你的人際關係You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可能原諒自己和傷害過你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你仰慕的人的指導下你也可能成為一個領導You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以重新調整生活的重心You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治癒你的婚姻並重建真愛You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你在任何年紀都能成為最好的父母,甚至在86歲but don’t wait until then…但千萬別等到那時You will always be able to make more money你將來可能會賺很多錢But you cannot make more time卻得不到更多時間

  • 2 # 使用者5855540271

    Time-MKJ,這首BGM裡沒人能贏過寶強,尤其那句摩根弗里曼“make more time”,開始的時候,我個人認為他抽菸的時候已經魯迅附體了,Hello,(周)樹(人)先生!

  • 3 # 1659099


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