  • 1 # 語境思維

    謝邀。我認為,惠勒的延遲實驗(延論),與薛定諤的貓(貓論),其實是一回事,換了道具而已。光子(量子)走螺線軌跡,究竟在屏上何處落腳,是隨機的,需要時間累積效應。不管是延論,還是貓論,都是歸結到高斯分佈,或遵循伯努利大數法則。清醒的理工男不會認同,宇宙的意識參與模型。以下是參考資料。 In summary, we have chosen whether to know which slit the particle went through, by choosing to use the telescopes or not, which are the instruments that would give us the information about which slit the particle went through. We have delayed this choice until a time after the particles"have gone through one slit or the other slit or both slits,"so to speak. Yet, it seems paradoxically that our later choice of whether to obtain this information determines whether the particle passed through one slit or the other slit or both slits, so to speak. If you want to think of it this way (I don"t recommend it), the particle exhibited after-the-fact wave-like behavior at the slits if you chose the screen; and it exhibited after-the-fact particle-like behavior at the slits if you chose the telescopes. Therefore, our delayed choice of how to measure the particle determines how the particle actually behaved at an earlier time.   Source: Wheeler"s Classic Delayed Choice Experiment   by Ross Rhodes

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