  • 1 # 旋86640957

    我是中醫愛好者, 談一下自己對針灸治療疾病的理解。 首先針或灸只是一種刺激方法 ,透過刺激使經絡產生調節人體的力量或能量 。如果經絡沒有力量, 再怎麼刺激也是沒用的 。那經絡蘊含有怎樣的能量呢? 我不想講傳統的東西 ,只講透過傳統針炙所產生的理解。 我們一般透過針灸穴位治療疾病取得良好效果的穴位往往位於四肢 ,透過四肢的穴位來調節遠端臟腑的功能。 如果把一肢截斷 ,可以觀察到一橫截面 ,最外側面板層即形成一個圓。 以前臂為例 ,橫截面為一個圓, 以小指側起, 即尺側赤白肉交界處起 ,設為圓的0度 ,從下往外側面板繞到橈側赤白肉交界處, 即大拇指側處, 就是圓的180度。 再延著內側面面板下降到尺側赤白肉交界處, 即圓的360度, 0度和360度重合。 我們在這個圓的0度 、45度、 90度 、135度、 180度 、225度 、270度 、315度 、360度 ,發現有8條經絡 ,從前往後分別對應24節氣中的 冬至、 立春、 春分 、立夏、 夏至、 立秋、 秋分、 立冬 。即每一經絡富含這一節氣的熱度與寒度, 所以45 90 135 180為4陽經 ,225 270 315 360為4陰經。 以前臂為例 ,45為手太陽小腸經 ,90為手少陽三焦經 ,135為手陽明大腸經 ,180為至陽經絡 ,富含夏至陽氣之力 。225為手太陰肺經 ,270為手厥陰心包經 ,315為手少陰心經 ,360為至陰經 ,富含冬至最強寒力, 下肢意義相同 。知道了這些我們不管採用針或灸,所動用的是經絡本身的熱寒力, 不會因為外界的溫寒刺激而改變經絡本身的力量。 比如用溫灸刺激陰經所產生的力量還是寒性 ,透過經絡的表裡關係, 那麼用經絡寒病用陽經, 熱病用陰經 ,就可以調節體內寒熱陰陽, 從而平衡陰陽 ,治療疾病。

  • 2 # 天觀易3階控制論創新



    五十年前文革時的一根針一把草赤足醫生,三十年前我在亞利桑那大學圖書館看到一本書,《分形幾何學》產生一個想法可重新結構傳統經絡針灸的衝動。二十年前兒子醫學院畢業在針炙推拿科。促成了應該將理念變成行動的勁力。於是我們組織了三篇文章出臺《,fractal acupuncture》《經絡現象的分形幾何學原理》和《哮喘的黃金分割取穴法》。的確在那時是有點超前,沒人理解。只有靠我們的臨床實踐業績支援。兒子那裡治癒救活一個美爾綜合症,我在倫敦和曼城天觀寺積累了大量一針見效案例,於是產生一個用我的有脊柱射療法和分形針灸打造一個行業挑戰美國的整背療法 Chiropractic的想法。這個構思讓他們搶了先,目前他們整個行業全部接受分形針炙而成完一個真正的職業止痛與保健療法。分形針只用一根針,而且可用於曾醫。這裡有一個故事,朋友家有一大狗老年哮喘,針了幾次,上癮了,只耍我一去就主動過來,證明分形針灸對寵物的療效,我的一隻貓,只要一該說脊柱反射療法,牠就前爪扶著椅子準備好了(●°u°●) 國外對分形針灸的接受程破由以下事實可見


    Welcome to the Jing practice blog! Providing self-care tips, news, information, and commentary about the acupuncture profession and integrative health.

    Tuesday, April 17, 2007

    Self Acupuncture and the Fractal Body

    When I first read the title I thought of one of my former classmates yelling about "recycled qi!" I have done my share of self-treatments and given many lessons to patients on how to use self-acupressure. However, I believe no matter how great of an acupuncturist or massage therapist you are, there is nothing like having it done by a fellow professional.

    The title nonwithstanding, Dr. Ye has developed a "fractal needle" system drawing on concepts from the Yellow Emperor"s Classic and the use of one-needle treatments. A fractal is a repatative geometric figure within a structure. In acupuncture, you can think of the ear, hands, or feet being a fractal of the whole body. This is a bit on the esoteric side, so for a more complete description with case studies and treatment protocols, visit http://www.positivehealth.com/permit/Articles/Acupuncture/ye62.htm

    If it works, it would be an excellent tool for patients who could benefit from more frequent treatments but are unable to afford or schedule them. As a main treatment, however, I am a little skeptical.

    Self Acupuncture

    Alien Sheng

    April 15, 2007

    Mention acupuncture and people tend to get images of an ancient Chinese man with a long, white beard and needles. The practice of self acupuncture puts this to rest.

    When the idea of writing on the subject of self acupuncture was first considered, it created a feeling of outrage. It would appear that the idea that self acupuncture was possible seemed as idiotic and dangerous as offering a guide to self-brain surgery. It seemed to insult the entire idea of Traditional Chinese Medicine and lump it into a classification with other New Age self help treatments. The theories that provide the foundation for acupuncture are grounded in centuries of experimentation, study, and philosophical contemplation. To think that you could go to Wal-Mart and buy a copy of “Acupuncture for Dummies” was insulting.

    This is not really wrong either. Acupuncture is not something that can be done by someone who does not have a great deal of training. On the other hand, it is not really a dangerous thing. If the needles used are at least sterile, and the insertion points are clean, there is not a lot of harm that can be done by an amateur. There is not a lot of good that can be done either.

    There is a legitimate form of self acupuncture, however. It was developed a few years ago by a Dr. Zu De Ye while he was at the University of Arizona. It has since spread and is being offered in clinics in several countries. It is founded on a theory known as the “fractal theory.” This theory was developed using the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but taking some of them a step further. To understand exactly how it works, one must be able to accept the concept that the Universe is made up of parts that are microcosms of the whole.

    For example, the human body is a microcosm of the Universe itself. The forces that are at play in the Universe are also at play inside the human body. When the human body is out of harmony with this cosmic oneness, illness occurs. When the body is in harmony, wellness occurs. The fractal theory takes this a step further. Parts of the body can also represent the whole. This idea is behind such things as ear acupuncture where the ear is seen as representing a human form curled into a fetal position. It also appears in Korean Hand acupuncture where all of the points and Meridians of the body are located in the hand.

    The fully developed fractal theory has led to the discovery of certain points on the human body that are actually microcosms of entire organ systems. Results can be obtained by stimulation of these points with very small needles. It involves only one needle placed in certain very specific and easily located key points on the body. Dr. Ye’s treatment regime has allowed patients to practice this form of self acupuncture. The needles are small, and the points in safe locations, so the danger is minimal. The advantages of self acupuncture is that no practitioner is needed for the treatments and time and money are saved. Although much more research needs to be done here, there is some indication that the self acupuncture following principles of fractal theory might one day become another tool in the healer’s arsenal.

  • 3 # 皛川


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