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    在英國南部的舍曼色坦郡每年有一個為斯三天的音樂會,在那上面得陽名次大概就是世界級的吉他人物,周為67年(?)目前-也到了那裡寺冠,這人景大概叫steve Jimi我曾經有過他的片但也在漂流中各奔東西,他已經在美國那個給字忘了〉拿了冠,但延要到這裡來塞,可見這是最高級別,97年參加了,不是去彈吉他而是去脊椎反射療法,音樂家又有錢又有病痛我當時已在倫敦出名有不少吉他手,唱的,跳舞的,因此後勤務處邀請我去,那裡是露地大帳篷,人山人海,羅鼓宣天,紅旗招…,那個響度,大音響架如牆。我想這不會你的題,回答的不是木吉他,木吉他是室內樂

    George Harrison"s 10 Greatest Guitar Moments After the Beatles

    Posted 09/13/2016 by Damian Fanelli , photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images



    Musicologists and verbose rock fans have dedicated thousands of words to the merits and behind-the-music details of "important" albums such as the Rolling Stones" Exile on Main St.

    But how many books have you read about Mick Jagger"s solo debut, She"s the Boss? How about Bill Wyman"s 1974 solo outing, Monkey Grip? Should we even bother asking about the Charlie Watts Quintet"s Long Ago and Far Away?

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