  • 1 # 女皇永遠愛大王

    不該放棄,因為因該不離不棄,特別是在它們最需要幫助的時候去放棄這些可愛的毛孩子。儘管這些毛孩子得了像細小這樣的的病,儘管醫生說活下去的可能性只有0.1%,也要不斷的去告訴自己和毛孩子說“要相信奇蹟是存在的,你(毛孩子)一定可以活下去,醫生都說你(毛孩子)活下去的可能性還有0.1%” 並且,毛孩子也是一條命,不能因為它只是生了病就去放棄它,並且可生的病可能醫治存活下在來的機率是100% Shouldn"t give up, as for this, especially when they are most in need of help to give up these lovely lexy. Although these lexy got illness, such as small though doctors said only 0.1% chance of survival, also should constantly to tell yourself and lexy said "there are, to believe in miracles, you live (lexy), the doctor said you (lexy) and 0.1% chance of survival and lexy also is a life, not because it is ill to abandon it, and it can survive may heal of disease in the probability is 100%

  • 2 # 們徒


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