1 # 呵呵嗒Tata
2 # 無名修仙組織
一家之主第一季英譯《King of the Hill》,又譯《鄉巴佬希爾一家的幸福生活》,一家之主全集動畫是FOCUS電視臺的長壽動畫劇集。主角漢克·希爾(Hank Hill)是一名老氣的乾苦力的男人,他努力生活在現代化的德克薩斯城市裡,他的妻子很固執,他兒子很令人失望,他的朋友都是失敗者,而他的父親則令人難以忍受。儘管如此,Hank依然保持沉著鎮定,並且心腸很好,這使他一直保持希爾家的一家之主的地位。集數259 ,每集長度21-23分鐘。
《一家之主》,加拿大電視劇,Martin Archer、Wesley Archer導演,邁克·喬吉、凱茜·納基麥、Pamela Segall主演。
這個小男孩出自《King of the Hill》,因一些奇奇怪怪的動態被做成表情包之後走紅,被很多人使用,也掀起了看原片的衝動。
Hank Hill is an old fashioned, hardworking, beer drinking man who is trying to live in a modern Texas world. His wife is opinionated, his son is a disappointment, his friends are losers, and his Father is oppressive. But through it all, Hank keeps a level head, a strong sense of morality, and by doing so keeps himself "King of the Hill."
Show about a rigid redneckish propane salesman with a good heart and wacky friends and family.
King of the Hill is another animation hit from Beavis and Butthead creator Mike Judge, who also voices the starring character Hank Hill, a propane gas salesman in the fictional town Arlen, Texas. Hank is often besieged by the idiosyncrasies of society, but he finds (some) serenity in his home-life with his wife, substitute Spanish teacher Peggy, his awkward son Bobby and his live-in niece-in-law Luanne Platter. Adding flavor to the ordinary dish the series serves are Hank"s friends, divorcee military barber Bill Dauterive, paranoid Dale Gribble (with an obsession with Government conspiracy theories) and gibberish spouting Boomhauer.
這是《King Of The Hill》,中文譯名《鄉巴佬希爾一家的幸福生活》。這是一個美國動漫,小男孩叫鮑比希爾,鮑比希爾是一個美國動漫裡的人物,一個十三歲的小胖子,有點孤獨,有點自卑。