  • 1 # 洪蓴卓









  • 2 # SissiZhao0225

    All of us write for particular purpose, and writing is one of those basic skills for everybody. It frustrates us that many of them are test-oriented. We can’t write a successful article without any technique. So, a communicative approach to writing is crucial. If students are applied to this approach, students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks which may contain some communicative elements, and some classroom writing activities that can be designed between “writing for learning” and “writing for communication”. However, deficiencies in existing textbooks and in classroom teaching are unavoidable, new English teachers can’t perform perfectly in every class. They may mainly focus on accuracy, no sense of audience, and are designed to practise a certain target structures. It is common of a new English teacher for not giving students the chance for creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or original ideas.

    One of the most important part in writing class is to provide guidance to the students when they are writing. The main procedures of process writing may include: creating a motivation to write, brainstorming, mapping, free writing, outlining, drafting, editing, revising, proofreading, and conferencing (publishing). During this process, students should create a clear purpose or a reason to write. Then, they think freely and put down all possible ideas that come to their minds and select those useful ideas in their writing. Next, they are acquired to see how these ideas can be put together in a coherent or logical way to present the topic well. They are usually given 10 to 15 minutes to start writing freely. Then, they need to write a more detailed outline. It needs not be fixed, and can be changed whenever they have any other better ideas. The first draft needs be given enough time to write. After drafting, the students should read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical development of their writings. When their writings are finished, proper guidance from teachers is required. To make necessary improvements in both organization and contents, teachers can underline those problematic items and leave them for the students to do the correction themselves. Last but not least, there can be a class conference to talk about the main problems and features of good writings. A systematical teaching procedures is much significant for every teacher.

  • 3 # 老叄篇







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