  • 1 # 英語老師覃冠平


    城市各種公共交通工具上的“愛心座位”,如果你僅僅是想知道或者學到了一個英語單詞的話,回答很簡單,英語叫Priority seat,or seating ( pri-o-rity seat,or seating)。或者下次的坐公車地鐵時注意抬頭看看車廂上方,不難看到顯眼的priority seat(pri-o-rity)字樣。

    然而,你如果想要獲得的不僅僅是個英語單詞,而是從pri-o-rity seat中獲得英語口語訓練,或者拓展出更多有關聯的“必會”詞彙,要學的內容可就沒那麼簡單了。

    我希望我們是首先透過以下“英語語言環境”中的“英語體驗”,然後再獲得(習得):哦,原來“愛心座位”是這麼說,口語是這麼獲得訓練的。而不是那種徹底脫離語言環境,直接用中文體驗然後知道了一個英語單詞叫priority seat

    1) URead 在英語語言環境中體驗英語:


    Priority seats have been reserved,or set aside in public transport to allow people in need, such as the elderly, the disabled,the pregnant women and the injured to ride public transport.They have the priority(優先權) to take these seats.

    Priority seats can be found on various public transportation such as subways,buses. The elderly, disabled, pregnant, and injured have priority to take these seats. In most cases, people are expected to offer their seats to those in need.


    Priority seats are the seats found on trains, buses,set aside for children, the pregnant, the elderly and those with disabilities.

    They are usually found at the ends of carriages,or near the doors for easy on and off access. The general rule is that if you are not a child, being with child, elderly or disabled you should not sit on them.

    2) UTalk, 自己跟自己說英語,“使用英語”:

    priority seat(pri-o-rity)不僅僅是要求你把中文意思“愛心座位”想表達成英語時,你只能“詞與詞對位”說出單詞priority seat(這只不過是一種“記單詞行為或記單詞能力”,和口語毫無關係,但是口語最起碼的基礎),更重要的是從培養“用英語積累英語,學習英語思維”角度看,你的priority seat是需要和“拓展”到和關鍵詞彙pregnant, disabled, people in need等等聯絡起來學習和記憶、積累的,這樣一來,今後你能說的就不再是priority seat(pri-o-rity seat)一個單詞,而是“句子”,也就是能形成“口語能力”,這些“口語”就是諸如下面的英語:

    1. Well I know priority seats are reserved,or set aside in public transport.

    be reserved is the same as be set aside,thst is,預留 in Chinese.

    2. Priority sests in public transport are for the elderly, the disabled,the pregnant women and the injured.

    We call these people people in need.

    3. People in need have the priority(優先權) to take these seats.

    只有這樣的priority seat 單詞記憶和學習才是有效詞彙學習和口語能力訓練。

    這些描述priority seat 單詞的英語,無論如何都要同時一起“消化”的,不論句子中的英語詞句比“被解釋詞”priority seat本身難度是否要大或小,也就是有人說的“以難釋易”問題。從單詞到口語過渡,這些出現在“釋義”中的“難詞句”是必須克服的,無討價還價可言。

    將來說到priority seat時,你能張口就說出這一串英語,說明你的口語有了很大提高。


    What do I know about priority seat?

    1. Well I know priority seats are reserved,or set aside in public transport.

    be reserved is the same as be set aside,thst is,預留 in Chinese.

    2. Priority sests in public transport are for the elderly, the disabled,the pregnant women and the injured.

    We call these people people in need.

    3. People in need have the priority(優先權) to take these seats.

    最後,國內把這種座位叫“愛心座位”(love),但英語意思priority seat實指的是“優先權座位”(priority,誰有這個優先權?)。這是同一個概念表達的角度不同的範例。

  • 2 # 想養只小獅子


    "I sat my five-year-old down on what was an apparently vacant seat quite near the doors and immediately this man told me "this seat is taken". So we moved and we ended up stood by the toilets for the rest of the journey with a bike shoved into my legs. It was quite unpleasant. My baby woke up and cried and she needed nursing back to sleep. I hovered by the priority seat hoping to be offered one. I tried to make eye contact with the people sat in the priority seats but they just blanked me.



    愛心座位就是priority seat。


    The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.管理部門似乎並不認為應優先考慮辦公室安全問題。

    My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live.我首先要考慮的是找個地方住。

    You have to learn to get your priorities right/straight (= decide which are the most important jobsor problems and deal with them first).你必須學會先處理最重要的事。

    Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans (= they deal with them first because they consider them most important).銀行在發放貸款時通常優先考慮大企業。

    Official business requirements obviously take/have priority over personal requests (= officialbusiness matters will be dealt with first).公事顯然應放在私事之上。

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