  • 1 # Jacky144167753

    uname -r :顯示作業系統的發行版號

    uname -a :顯示系統名、節點名稱、作業系統的發行版號、作業系統版本、執行系統的機器 ID 號。

  • 2 # KuHyeSun

    UNAME(1) BSD General Commands Manual UNAME(1)


    uname -- Print operating system name


    uname [-amnprsv]


    The uname utility writes symbols representing one or more system charac-

    teristics to the standard output.

    The following options are available:

    -a Behave as though all of the options -mnrsv were specified.

    -m print the machine hardware name.

    -n print the nodename (the nodename may be a name that the system is

    known by to a communications network).

    -p print the machine processor architecture name.

    -r print the operating system release.

    -s print the operating system name.

    -v print the operating system version.

    If no options are specified, uname prints the operating system name as if

    the -s option had been specified.


    hostname(1), machine(1), sw_vers(1), uname(3)


    The uname utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2""). The -p

    option is an extension to the standard.

    BSD November 9, 1998 BSD

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