  • 1 # MRZhang

    The Forbidden City used to be the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties.紫禁城是明朝和清朝的皇宮。It is nearly 600 years old, with constructions started in 1406 and completed in 1420.它的歷史有將近600年,始建於 1406年,於 1420 年完工。The principles of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese system of geomancy, governed the whole process.它依據中國古代風水學而建造。Yellow is the color of the Emperor.黃色代表高貴的帝王皇權。Thus almost all roofs in the Forbidden City bear yellow glazed tiles.因此,紫禁城幾乎所有的屋頂都是黃色的琉璃瓦。There are only two exceptions.只有兩處例外。The library at the Pavilion of Literary Profundity had black tiles because black was associated with water, and thus fire-prevention.一處是作為藏書館的文淵閣,屋頂為黑色,因為黑色有水的寓意,象徵防火。Similarly, the Crown Prince’s residences have green tiles because green was associated with wood, and thus growth.另一處是皇太子的王宮,屋頂鋪綠色瓦片,因為綠色會聯想到樹木,寓義生長。The Imperial Garden is the last part of the Forbidden City on the central north-south axis when heading northwards, before the North Gate.御花園是紫禁城南北中軸線上朝北走到達北門前的最後一部分。It was built in 1417 during the Ming Dynasty.始建於1417 年明朝年間。It covers an area of about 12,000 square meters and was the private garden of the imperial family.佔地面積為12000平方米,是皇室的私人花園。It was the most typical imperial garden in China.是中國最典型的皇家園林。Imperial cuisine was served mainly to the emperors, their wives and concubines, and the royal families.御膳是為皇帝、妃子和皇族其他成員提供的膳食。The characteristics of the Chinese imperial cuisine are the elaborate cooking methods and the strict selection of raw materials, which are often extremely expensive, rare, or complicated in preparation.中國御膳,烹調精細,選料考究,稀奇昂貴,配方複雜。The most famous Chinese imperial cuisine restaurants are both located in Beijing: Fang Shan in Beihai Park and Ting Li Guan in the Summer Palace.中國最著名的兩家御膳餐館都在北京,分別是北海公園的仿膳和頤和園的聽鸝館。

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