  • 1 # 史蒂芬的專欄

    這兒給出There you go的八個解釋。

    There you go是一種倒裝,正常語序為You go there. 本意是是你達到了某個結果,達到了某個目的地。在不同的語境中,意思也不盡相同。


    其實就是我們常說的“我說對了吧”、“我沒說錯吧”,此時的There you go就相當於Now you go to the conclusion I told you/ I told you so/ That proves my point, 表示某一件事情就像你剛說的那樣。

    A: I don’t like our boss. He is so harsh. 我不喜歡我們老闆,他也太嚴了。 B: Yeah. Last weekend he requested me to work till midnight. 誰說不是呢,上週他還要我加班到了半夜呢。 A: There you go. 我說對了吧 / 我剛才沒說錯吧。 (2)就是這樣,你做對了

    這個是它最本質的意思,即你達成了某個結果。當別人做完一件事,得到了他想要的結果,你可以對他說There you go, 也就是You go there/ You go to the destination/ You accomplish it.

    There you go. That’s the right way to do it.就是這樣的。這就是正確的方法。(3) 就是這樣

    一般放在句子中,表示你現在應該知道這個是什麼回事了,你瞭解到了某個資訊。此處There you go就是You go to the information I told and should understand/ You understand now.

    You know how I joined this company at that point? I sent an email to the manager and told him why I wanted to work here. And much to my surprise he replied and invited me for an interview. Then I passed the interview. There you go. I started to work here. (就這樣,我就在這裡工作了)Let me show you how to use this machine. Step 1 … Step 2 … Step 3 … There you go. So easy. 我教你怎麼用這臺機器。第一步 …第二步 …第三步 …就這樣子,就這麼簡單。 (4)就是這樣,你說對了

    在溝通時,別人理解了你的問題,得到了正確的答案時,你可以說There you go. 此處,There you go 就是You finally got the right answer /You go to the right answer. 一般用於別人剛開始不理解一件事,你去引導他,最後他終於明白了。

    A: So is it because of the gap in communication? 所以是因為的溝通問題,對嗎?B: There you go. 你說對了。(5)你又來了

    意思是你又在做你之前做過的事情。此時相當於There you go again/ You go to the behavior you did before/ You do the thing again you did before.

    A: Our boss requested us to work overtime today. 老闆要我們今天加班。 B: There he goes again. 他又來這一套了。 A: Let’s talk about computer. 我們討論一下電腦吧。

    B: There you go (again). 你又來了。


    此處是委婉的表示無興趣,你說什麼就是什麼,你說的話證明是這樣的。此處的There you go 就相當於What you are saying goes to the point/ You proved you point.

    A: I like programing a lot. I started to learn Java, C++, Python myself in high school. I developed …. B: There you go. 噢,這樣呀。

    (這兒,There you go 就是What you are saying goes to the point that you like programming.)


    表示現狀就是這樣。雖然對一件事情有所不滿,但現在也無法做出改變,只有暫時接受。此處There you go就相當於The reality is like this/ There it is/ You go to the reality.

    The company is short of hands, but there you go. This is the peak season. 公司缺人,但也沒辦法,正是旺季的時候。 (8)好了,可以了。

    你幫別人做完一件事情後,來一句There you go, 表示事情做好了,你得到了你想要的。此處There you go就相當於You got what you wanted/ You go to the result you asked for.

    A: Could you help turn on the TV? 可以幫忙開一下電視嗎? B: (found the remote control and turned on). There you go.好了。
  • 2 # CISSY

    在美國用得比較多的語境有兩個:一 用在一個事情或者一段描述結束時,相當於that"s it!好了/就這樣

    二 是用在別人對你的一個即時動作或者行為的肯定或鼓勵,相當於go go go或者good job的意思,加油加油!/真棒!

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