  • 1 # 使用者8108804039310

    Too many versions of the song of "JASMINE FLOWER", I always get confused. If someone can give me corrected, it will be highly appreciated!

    So beautiful the jasmine flower,

    No other flower can compare with it,

    I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

    But I fear I will anger the gardener,

    I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

    But I fear the jasmine flower will not bloom;

    So beautiful the jasmine flower,

    Fragrant, white and loved by all,

    I want to pick just one

    And send it to someone else

    Jasmine flower!

    So beautiful the jasmine flower,

    Fragarant, beautiful and full-blown,

    I want to pick just one

    And send it to someone else

    Jasmine flower!

    低吟、莫相離︶ㄣ 2008-11-12

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