  • 1 # 我很酷487


    1、A rd class is a tourist class.

    2、peasantrys as a class

    3、Select each class and add it to the class diagram.

    4、We hope the teacher will class Tom in our class.

    5、(interest-oriented) do-it-yourself(/DIY)class; recreation class

    6、A class loaded by a class loader instance is uniquely identified by that class loaders namespace and the class name.

    7、the upper [lower] middle class

    8、Posh middle-class child chic.

    9、Are they all middle class?

    10、He is very attentive in class.

    11、Enable class injection and referencing through interfaces.

    12、Their " first - class service " was very overrated .

    13、The syllabus is going around the class.

    14、The teacher supervised our drawing class.

    15、Tourist class passengers are prohibited from using the first-class lounge.

    16、Create a mock object class as a subclass of the concrete class.

    17、I invite you to ask questions in class or, if you prefer, after class as well.

    18、Because class names are constants, you can have only one class of a given name.

    19、If the class already USES a superclass, the newly generated superclass will have that class as its superclass, maintaining the class hierarchy.

    20、Class wrapping: This is the process of wrapping or replacing a target class with another class that implements the same functionality but also contains instrumentation.

    21、Basically, one small helper class is added for each class that"s included in any of the bindings, along with a separate class per binding.

    22、I prefer specification of the runtime behavior of a class within the class itself, keeping all the information about a class in one place.

    23、First, create a class in the model explorer.

    24、The teacher dictated in Spanish to her class.

    25、They"ll readily defend their beliefs in civics class.

    26、I hate being treated as a second-class citizen.

    27、These struggles show that our working class is indeed the steadfast and time-tested revolutionary leading class.

    28、The code in Listing 1 would be much neater if the anonymous class was placed separately as an inner class.

    29、Each binding factory class references the support classes for every class with a definition in that binding.

    30、In my class we do arithmetic with oranges.

  • 2 # 聲聲啊(限流中)

    It will breed a class consciousness.


    There was a giggle from the back of the class.


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