  • 1 # 偏執151320024

    Reiki of heaven and earth breeds a mixed bead with huge energy, which is

    refined into spiritual beads and magic pills by Yuan Shitianzhong. The spiritual

    beads are reincarnated as human beings, which can be used to help Zhou felling.

    The magic pills will produce the devil king and be a disaster to the world. The

    primordial Heavenly Lord initiated the mantra of heavenly robbery. Three years

    later, the thunder will come and destroy the magic pill. Taiyi was ordered to

    give birth to Nezha, son of Li Jing"s family in Chentangguan. However, Yin and

    Yang are wrong, and Lingzhu and Magic Wan have been wrapped up unexpectedly.

    Nezha, who should have been the hero of the Spiritual Pearl, has become the

    monster of the world. A mischievous and mischievous person has a heroic heart.

    However, in the face of people"s misunderstanding of the magic pill and the

    coming thunder, is it destined to become a demon? Where will he go?

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 終審結果出爐,102歲才能出獄,朴槿惠真的要把牢底坐穿嗎?