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    在雅思task 2 大作文的寫作當中,同學們常常糾結於文章到底是寫五段好還是四段好,其實對於 argumentation 寫作的三種類型: to what extent do you agree or disagree, advantages or disadvantages 以及 discuss both views and give your own opinion 都有自己內在特定的偏好設定,換句話說也就是這三類argumentation 的寫作都有自己最適合的文章結構構架。今天完成為大家為大家整理了關於discuss both views and give your own opinion 的結構構架。



    Some parents work overseas and they take their children along. Some people think it is good for the development of children, while others think it causes many problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

    題目當中包含兩個statement. Statement1: some people think it is good for the development of children. Statement 2: while others think it causes many problems. 其實透過分析可以得知文章當中提出的這兩個statement 都有自己的合理性。因此對於這一型別的文章比較推薦四段式寫作:


    ü paragraph1: introduction

    ü paragrapg2 : statement 1的合理性體現在:idea1 + support;idea2+support;

    ü paragraph3: statement 2的合理性體現在: idea1 + support;idea2+support;

    ü paragraph4: 我認為:a bigger view,而不是簡單重複


    Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others. However, others say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

    題目當中當然也包含兩個statement. Statement 1:some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Statement 2: others say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. 其實透過分析可以得知文章當中提出的這兩個statement 1 觀點比較極端,而比較而言statement2 更加合理。因此對於這一型別的文章比較推薦五段式寫作:


    ü paragraph 1:Introduction:

    ü paragraph 2: statement 2 (合理觀點):idea 1 + support

    ü paragraph 3: statement 2 (合理觀點):idea 2 +support

    ü paragraph 4: however, Some people believe …陳述極端觀點裡合理的部分以及侷限性

    ü paragraph 5: 我認為…

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