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    Ladybug and ladybird refers to the same insect, a Coccinellidae beetle. In North America, the insect is primarily referred to as a ladybug, though sometimes it is called a lady beetle. In British English, the insect is called a ladybird.

    In the late 1600s, it was also labeled the ladycow. The English Oxford Dictionary discerns that this insect was referred to as “bird” because of its ability to fly, and “lady” in homage to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary.

    翻譯過來,在北美,這種昆蟲主要被稱為ladybug,有時也被稱為lady beetle。在英式英語中,這種昆蟲被稱為ladybird。在17世紀末,它也被稱為ladycow。《牛津英語詞典》發現,這種昆蟲之所以被稱為“bird”,是因為它有飛翔的能力,而“女士”則是為了向聖母瑪利亞致敬。

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