1. 他走到人行道前,看到一個大大的紅燈,卻視而不見,一邊哼歌一邊悠閒地過馬路。
He walked on the sidewalk before to see a big red, but turn a blind eye to the side while Hengge leisurely cross the road.
2. 美容師在為客人服務時哼歌、吹口哨或唱歌是違法的。
It is illegal for any beautician to hum, whistle, or sing while working on a customer.
3. 你不喜歡我哼歌對嗎
You don"t like my singing, do you?
4. 當她還是和小女孩的時候,她就能哼歌和教音了。
When she was a small girl, she could hum songs and correct the tone.
5. 孫耀威和官恩娜昨日出席某新款手機的宣傳活動,期間一名Ella的痴心男歌迷在店外不停哼歌,幸沒有太大影響。
Yesterday Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Ella Kwan were present in a promotional event of a stylish hand phone.
6. 我希望他可以停止哼歌。
UNIT 72 I wish he could stop humming.
7. 你知道的,他會邊尿邊哼歌
You know, he hums when he pees.
8. 他做其他事時,也會哼歌
You know, he hums while he does other stuff too.
9. 發出嗡嗡聲發出嗡嗡的或哼哼地響聲;發出嗡嗡聲湯姆斯小聲哼歌的時候她也會大聲叫。
To make a humming or droning sound; buzz. she"d shout when Tomas whistled a song.
10. 祖母通常都會邊幹活邊哼歌,或者與院子裡的小貓聊天。
Usually she would be singing a song or talking to the cats in the yard.
11. 湯姆斯小聲哼歌的時候她也會大聲叫。
She"d shout when Tomas whistled a song.
12. 當我回到家裡,我就畫草圖、哼歌、看看數學。
But when I get home, I sketch, hum and play with math.
13. 她出生於底特律的郊區,她父母親說她在會說話之前就開始哼歌了!
She was born in a Detroit suburb and her parents recall that she hummed before she could talk.
1. 他走到人行道前,看到一個大大的紅燈,卻視而不見,一邊哼歌一邊悠閒地過馬路。
He walked on the sidewalk before to see a big red, but turn a blind eye to the side while Hengge leisurely cross the road.
2. 美容師在為客人服務時哼歌、吹口哨或唱歌是違法的。
It is illegal for any beautician to hum, whistle, or sing while working on a customer.
3. 你不喜歡我哼歌對嗎
You don"t like my singing, do you?
4. 當她還是和小女孩的時候,她就能哼歌和教音了。
When she was a small girl, she could hum songs and correct the tone.
5. 孫耀威和官恩娜昨日出席某新款手機的宣傳活動,期間一名Ella的痴心男歌迷在店外不停哼歌,幸沒有太大影響。
Yesterday Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Ella Kwan were present in a promotional event of a stylish hand phone.
6. 我希望他可以停止哼歌。
UNIT 72 I wish he could stop humming.
7. 你知道的,他會邊尿邊哼歌
You know, he hums when he pees.
8. 他做其他事時,也會哼歌
You know, he hums while he does other stuff too.
9. 發出嗡嗡聲發出嗡嗡的或哼哼地響聲;發出嗡嗡聲湯姆斯小聲哼歌的時候她也會大聲叫。
To make a humming or droning sound; buzz. she"d shout when Tomas whistled a song.
10. 祖母通常都會邊幹活邊哼歌,或者與院子裡的小貓聊天。
Usually she would be singing a song or talking to the cats in the yard.
11. 湯姆斯小聲哼歌的時候她也會大聲叫。
She"d shout when Tomas whistled a song.
12. 當我回到家裡,我就畫草圖、哼歌、看看數學。
But when I get home, I sketch, hum and play with math.
13. 她出生於底特律的郊區,她父母親說她在會說話之前就開始哼歌了!
She was born in a Detroit suburb and her parents recall that she hummed before she could talk.