  • 1 # 小皮球的飛飛

    this world you tried(在這世界裡,你曾經試圖)

    Not leaving me alone behind(不離開我,剩下我獨自在身後)

    There"s no other way(別無他法)

    I"ll pray to the Gods let him stay(我將祈求上蒼,讓他留下)

    The memories ease the pain inside(回憶消解那內心的痛)

    Now I know why(現在我知道為什麼了)

    All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回憶,將你維繫在近旁)

    In silent moments(在寂靜的時刻)

    Imagine you"d be here(幻想你就在這裡)

    All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回憶,將你維繫在近旁)

    Your silent whispers, silent tears(你靜靜的私語,靜靜的淚)

    Made me promise I"d try(若對我做出承諾,我該會試著)

    To find my way back in this life(在此生中找到返還的路)

    I hope there is a way(我希望有條途徑)

    To give me a sign you"re okay(給我一個訊號:你安然無恙)

    Reminds me again it"s worth it all(並再提醒我,這抵得上一切)

    So I can go home(這樣,我才能回家)

    All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回憶,將你維繫在近旁)

    In silent moments(在寂靜的時刻)

    Imagine you"d be here(幻想你就在這裡)

    All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回憶,將你維繫在近旁)

    Your silent whispers, silent tears(你靜靜的私語,靜靜的淚)

    Together in all these memories(一同在所有這些回憶中)

    I see your smile(我看見你的笑容)

    All of the memories I hold dear(所有回憶我都珍藏著)

    Darling, you know I"ll love you(愛人,你知道我將愛你)

    till the end of time(直到時間的盡頭)

    All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回憶,將你維繫在近旁)

    In silent moments(在寂靜的時刻)

    Imagine you"d be here(幻想你就在這裡)

    All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回憶,將你維繫在近旁)

    Your silent whispers, silent tears(你靜靜的私語,靜靜的淚)

    All of my memories(我所有的回憶。。。)

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