逆戟鯨屬 Orcinus (killer whale and orca)逆戟鯨(虎鯨)Orcinus orca (killer whale)偽虎鯨屬 Pseudorca (false killer whale)偽虎鯨 Pseudorca crassidens (false killer whale)海豚亞科 Delphininae
真海豚屬 Delphinus
長吻真海豚 Delphinus capensis
普通海豚 Delphinus delphis
寬吻海豚屬(瓶鼻海豚屬)Tursiops (bottlenose dolphin)印太寬吻海豚(印太瓶鼻海豚)Tursiops aduncus
寬吻海豚(瓶鼻海豚)Tursiops truncatus斑紋海豚屬 Lagenorhynchus白腰斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus acutus
白吻斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus albirostris
皮氏斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus australis
大西洋斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus cruciger
太平洋斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
暗黑斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obscurus斑紋海豚屬 Lagenorhynchus白腰斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus acutus
暗黑斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obscurus長吻海豚屬 Steno (rough-toothed dolphin)糙齒長吻海豚 Steno bredanensis (rough-toothed dolphin)鯨豚屬 Lissodelphis (right whale dolphins)北鯨豚 Lissodelphis borealis (northern right whale dolphin)
南鯨豚 Lissodelphis peronii (southern right whale dolphin)沙撈越海豚屬 Lagenodelphis沙撈越海豚 Lagenodelphis hosei (Fraser"s dolphin)原海豚屬 Stenella弱原海豚 Stenella attenuata (pantropical spotted dolphin)
大西洋原海豚 Stenella clymene (clymene dolphin)
藍白原海豚 Stenella coeruleoalba (striped dolphin)
古氏原海豚 Stenella frontalis (Atlantic spotted dolphin)
長吻原海豚 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin)領航鯨亞科 Globicephalinae領航鯨屬(巨頭鯨屬)Globicephala大吻領航鯨(大吻巨頭鯨) Globicephala macrorhynchus
領航鯨(巨頭鯨)Globicephala melas灰海豚屬 Grampus灰海豚 Grampus griseus (Risso"s dolphin)瓜頭海豚屬 Peponocephala (melon-headed whale)瓜頭海豚 Peponocephala electra (melon-headed whale)小逆戟鯨屬(侏虎鯨屬)Feresa小逆戟鯨(侏虎鯨)Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer whale)伊豚屬 Orcaella (Irrawaddy dolphin)伊豚(伊洛瓦底江豚)Orcaella brevirostris駝海豚亞科 Cephalorhynchinae
黑白海豚 Cephalorhynchus commersonii
黑海豚 Cephalorhynchus eutropia (black dolphin)
赫氏海豚 Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Heaviside"s dolphin)
大西洋黑白海豚 Cephalorhynchus hectori (Hector"s dolphin)
侏型海豚屬 Sotalia (tucuxi)亞馬孫白海豚 Sotalia fluviatilis (gray dolphin)白海豚屬 Sousa (humpbacked dolphins)中華白海豚 Sousa chinensis
託氏白海豚 Sousa teuszii (Atlantic humpbacked dolphin)
逆戟鯨屬 Orcinus (killer whale and orca)逆戟鯨(虎鯨)Orcinus orca (killer whale)偽虎鯨屬 Pseudorca (false killer whale)偽虎鯨 Pseudorca crassidens (false killer whale)海豚亞科 Delphininae
真海豚屬 Delphinus
長吻真海豚 Delphinus capensis
普通海豚 Delphinus delphis
寬吻海豚屬(瓶鼻海豚屬)Tursiops (bottlenose dolphin)印太寬吻海豚(印太瓶鼻海豚)Tursiops aduncus
寬吻海豚(瓶鼻海豚)Tursiops truncatus斑紋海豚屬 Lagenorhynchus白腰斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus acutus
白吻斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus albirostris
皮氏斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus australis
大西洋斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus cruciger
太平洋斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
暗黑斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obscurus斑紋海豚屬 Lagenorhynchus白腰斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus acutus
白吻斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus albirostris
皮氏斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus australis
大西洋斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus cruciger
太平洋斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
暗黑斑紋海豚 Lagenorhynchus obscurus長吻海豚屬 Steno (rough-toothed dolphin)糙齒長吻海豚 Steno bredanensis (rough-toothed dolphin)鯨豚屬 Lissodelphis (right whale dolphins)北鯨豚 Lissodelphis borealis (northern right whale dolphin)
南鯨豚 Lissodelphis peronii (southern right whale dolphin)沙撈越海豚屬 Lagenodelphis沙撈越海豚 Lagenodelphis hosei (Fraser"s dolphin)原海豚屬 Stenella弱原海豚 Stenella attenuata (pantropical spotted dolphin)
大西洋原海豚 Stenella clymene (clymene dolphin)
藍白原海豚 Stenella coeruleoalba (striped dolphin)
古氏原海豚 Stenella frontalis (Atlantic spotted dolphin)
長吻原海豚 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin)領航鯨亞科 Globicephalinae領航鯨屬(巨頭鯨屬)Globicephala大吻領航鯨(大吻巨頭鯨) Globicephala macrorhynchus
領航鯨(巨頭鯨)Globicephala melas灰海豚屬 Grampus灰海豚 Grampus griseus (Risso"s dolphin)瓜頭海豚屬 Peponocephala (melon-headed whale)瓜頭海豚 Peponocephala electra (melon-headed whale)小逆戟鯨屬(侏虎鯨屬)Feresa小逆戟鯨(侏虎鯨)Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer whale)伊豚屬 Orcaella (Irrawaddy dolphin)伊豚(伊洛瓦底江豚)Orcaella brevirostris駝海豚亞科 Cephalorhynchinae
黑白海豚 Cephalorhynchus commersonii
黑海豚 Cephalorhynchus eutropia (black dolphin)
赫氏海豚 Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Heaviside"s dolphin)
大西洋黑白海豚 Cephalorhynchus hectori (Hector"s dolphin)
侏型海豚屬 Sotalia (tucuxi)亞馬孫白海豚 Sotalia fluviatilis (gray dolphin)白海豚屬 Sousa (humpbacked dolphins)中華白海豚 Sousa chinensis
託氏白海豚 Sousa teuszii (Atlantic humpbacked dolphin)