  • 1 # 妮妮277312076

    The salt trade is very active in the town.這個城鎮的食鹽買賣很火

  • 2 # 使用者2385560242164

    1、Every trade is thriving.

    2、Talk, snuggle, trade massages.

    3、Capital and trade flows collapsed.

    4、Sino-Siamese trade had two forms, tributary trade and civil trade.

    5、The trade of the soldier is war.

    6、Can we do a barter trade?

    7、We wonder whether you do counter trade.

    8、Free port or free trade zone

    9、Our goal should be balanced and sustained trade rather than trade surplus.

    10、The regulators don"t have to catch every prop trade disguised as a market-making trade.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 三國時期曹操究竟盜了誰的墓?可以養活軍隊三年?