1 # C凱茜
2 # 虎哥航空武器研究
美華人對“重力控制推進研究”的興趣在上世紀50年代初加劇。這一時期的文學使用了anti-gravity(反重力),anti-gravitation(反重力),baricentric, counterbary, electrogravitics (eGrav)(e重力),G-projects(G-專案) gravitics(重力),gravity control(重力控制),and gravity propulsion(重力推進)等術語。他們公佈的目標是開發和發現用於操縱重力或重力領域的技術和理論。儘管廣義相對論似乎阻止了反重力的推進,但有幾個專案是透過1955年到1974年的重力研究來發展的。廣義相對論的許多貢獻者和廣義相對論的黃金時代的名字出現在文獻中,關於那些曾經作為這些程式的理論研究元件的機構。45、50年代重力控制推進研究的出現並不是航空作家、批評家和陰謀論支持者的爭議話題,但他們的理論、效力和壽命都是有爭議的觀點的物件。
最近的歷史分析和報告引起了對參與重力控制推進研究的機構和公司的關注。英國金斯頓大學的BAE系統顧問和工程教授James e.Allen提到了他在航空航天科學領域的新推進系統歷史上的那些專案。麻省理工學院科學史副教授大衛凱澤博士的研究表明,重力研究基金會對廣義相對論黃金時代的教育方面做出了貢獻。雪城大學的約書亞戈德堡博士描述了空軍在那段時期對相對論研究的支援。進步報告6、前訪問學者和工作人員的網際網路簡歷是研究機構高階研究(RIAS)歷史的來源。簡氏防務週刊的前航空編輯尼克庫克透過他的著作10次搜尋零點,以及後來的電視紀錄片,吸引了人們對反重力計劃的關注。關於g-專案的主流歷史報道也被陰謀論的傳聞所補充。
在重力控制推進研究的早期出版的5個綜合著作中,列出了研究機構、工業站點和政策制定者的名單,以及傑出物理學家的宣告。倫敦航空研究(International)有限公司公佈了一份關於重力研究小組的詳細報告,該小組後來被解密。英國星際學會和飛機雜誌發表了由國際公認的航天曆史學家A.V.Cleaver進行的美國重力研究的推進調查和關鍵評估。紐約先驅論壇報和邁阿密先驅報發表了一篇由20世紀世界上最偉大的航空記者之一的三篇文章,Ansel Talbert。Talbert的兩份報紙文章在新聞釋出的時代中發生。無論是他的著作,還是那一時期的五大著作,都沒有得到否認和/或撤回。
有幾篇文章表達了對重力研究基金會支援重力控制推進的感激之情。儘管基金會是一個不起眼的、非盈利的組織,但它的創造者Roger Babson利用他的財富和影響力來動員行業;籌集私人和政府資金;並激勵工程師和物理學家進行重力防護和控制研究。根據他的自傳:“基金會的目的是鼓勵其他人在重力問題上解決問題,並幫助他人獲得獎勵。”
1956年9月,位於俄亥俄州代頓的賴特-帕特森空軍基地的航空研究實驗室(ARL)的通用物理實驗室開始了一項緊張的計劃,以協調研究引力和統一場理論,並僱傭了約書亞n戈德堡。由戈德堡的計劃所創造的5個專案可能是Talbert對重力控制推進研究的承諾的巧合。建立這個專案的確切理由,以及為其預算和人員辯護的理由可能永遠不會被確定。無論是戈德堡還是空軍的科學和技術資訊的副手,Walter Blados,都能夠找到這些建國檔案。[5]羅伊克爾,前陸軍研究實驗室的科學家,所述反重力推進陸軍研究實驗室的目的是“垃圾”,“我們唯一真正的使用,美國空軍時一些瘋子打發他們提議反重力或在一艘宇宙飛船將旋轉運動轉化驅動系統。1957年12月30日,產品工程公司釋出瞭如下宣告:
1973年曼斯菲爾德修正案終止了對重力控制推進研究的軍事成分的資助。黑專案專家,10個陰謀論者,16個和告密者12 -14人提出了重力控制推進的努力已經達到了他們的目標並且在1973年之後繼續了幾十年。
高階研究研究所(RIAS)是由George S.Trimble,航空和先進推進系統的副Quattroporte,格倫l馬丁公司,並被置於受歡迎的受歡迎的直接監督之下。Bender僱傭的第一個人是Louis Witten在國際上被公認的引力物理學權威。Burkhard Heim的文章已經宣佈Pascual Jordan與Trimble和Talbert達成了協議。隨後的僱傭人員產生了半打重力研究人員,他們被稱為“現場理論組”。阿瑟c克拉克爵士和其他一些人表示,RIAS的“人才集合”非常符合探索新原則的任務,這些原則可以用來開發重力控制推進系統。
重力研究小組指出,這些公司已經建造了“鑽機”,以提高Thomas Townsend Brown的引力子的效能,透過開發高介電常數(k)的材料。3重力蘭德有限公司提供了一套指導方針,以幫助管理人員進行研究和培養創造力。在1974年之後,航空公司的重力推進研究就停止了。那些發表在這些出版物上的公司都沒有提出撤回的申請。以下的航空公司在1955年至1974年出版的著作中被引用:
Bell Aircraft,Buffalo, New York.[11]
Clarke Electronics,Palm Springs, California.[11]
Convair,San Diego.[11]
Douglas Aircraft.[3]
Electronics Division,Ryan Aeronautical Company,San Diego.[35]
General Electric.[11]
Glenn L. Martin Company,Baltimore, Maryland.[11]
Gluhareff Helicopter & Airplane Corporation,Manhattan Beach, California.[11]
Grumman Aircraft.[36]
Hiller Aircraft.[3]
Hughes Aircraft.[16]
Lear Incorporated,Santa Monica, California.[11]
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation.[33]
Radio Corporation.[16]
Sikorsky Division ofUnited Aircraft.[11]
Sperry Gyroscope Division ofSperry RandCorporation,Great Neck, Long Island.[11]
Gravity Rand Ltd (1956, December).The gravitics situation. In T. Valone (Ed.). (2001, January, 4th ed.)Electrogravitics systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology(pp. 42-77). Washington, D.C: Integrity Research Institute.ISBN0-9641070-0-7
^abcWeyl, A. R. (1957, October). "Antigravity".Aeronautics,37(2), 80-86. (British Aviation Publications). Weyl, A. R. (1959a, January). "Knowledge and possibilities of gravity research" (DTIC No. AD-0830247). W. R. Eichler (Trans.)Weltraumfahrt; Zeitschrift für Rakententechnik,9, 100-106 (original work published December 1958). Weyl, A. R. (1959b, February). Gravity and the prospects for astronautics.Aeronautics,59(6), 16-22. (British Aviation Publications).
^abcdefGravity Research Group (1956, February).Electrogravitic systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control(Report GRG 013/56). London: Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. In T. Valone (Ed.). (2001, January, 4th ed.)Electrogravitics systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology(pp. 11-41). Washington, D.C.: Integrity Research Institute.ISBN0-9641070-0-7
^abcdKaiser, D. (2000). Chapter 10 – Roger Babson and the rediscovery of general relativity. InMaking theory: Producing physics and physicists in postwar America(Ph.D. dissertation: pp. 567-594). Harvard University.
^abcdefGoldberg, J. M. (1992). United States Air Force support of general relativity: 1956-1972. In, J. Eisenstaedt & A. J. Kox (Ed.),Studies in the History of General Relativity, Volume 3Boston: Center for Einstein Studies.ISBN0-8176-3479-7.
^abBender, W. W. (1961).RIAS. Baltimore, Maryland: RIAS. Available from Stan Piet, Archive Director, Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum, P.O. Box 5024, Middle Road, MD 21220.
^abcCleaver, A. V. (1957, April–June). "Electro-gravitics": What it is – or might be.Journal of the British Interplanetary Society,16(2, issue 75), 84-94. Cleaver, A. V. (1957, March 15). Something about electro-gravitics.The Aeroplane,92(2376), 385-387.
^Gladych, M. (1957, July). Spaceship that conquers gravity.Mechanix Illustrated,53(7), 98-100, 174, 181.
^Allen, J. E. (2003). "Quest for a novel force: A possible revolution in aerospace".Progress in Aerospace Sciences.39: 1–60.Bibcode:2003PrAeS..39....1A.doi:10.1016/S0376-0421(02)00049-0.
^abCook, N. (2002).The hunt for zero point: Inside the classified world of antigravity technology. New York: Broadway Books.ISBN0-7679-0627-6.
^abcdefghijkTalbert, A. E. (1955a, November 20). Conquest of gravity aim of top scientists in U.S.,New York Herald-Tribune: Sunday, pp. 1 and 36. Talbert, A. E. (1955b, November 21). Space-ship marvel seen if gravity is outwitted,New York Herald-Tribune: Monday, pp. 1 and 6. Talbert, A. E. (1955c, November 22). New air dream-planes flying outside gravity,New York Herald-Tribune: Tuesday, pp. 6 and 10. Talbert, A. E. (1955, November 30). Scientists taking first steps in assault on gravity barrier,The Miami Herald: Wednesday, pp. 1, 2-A. Talbert, A. E. (1955, December 1). Future planes may defy gravity and air lift in space travel,The Miami Herald: Thursday, p. 2-B. Talbert, A. E. (1955, December 2). Engineers Aiming to Flout Gravity,The Miami Herald: Friday.
^abcGreer, S. M. (2001).Disclosure: Military and government witnesses reveal the greatest secrets in modern history. Crozet, Virginia: Crossing Point, Incorporated.ISBN0-9673238-1-9.
^Cooper, M. W. (1991).Behold a pale horse. Flagstaff, Arizona: Light Technology PublishingISBN0-929385-22-5.
^abcCorso, P. J. (1997).The day after Roswell. New York: Pocket Books.ISBN0-671-00461-1.
^Darlington, D. (1997).Area 51: The dreamland chronicles. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc.ISBN0-8050-6040-5.
^abcdefKeyhoe, D. (1966, January). I know the secret of the flying saucers.True, The Man"s Magazine,47(344), 340. Keyhoe, Donald (1974, December).Aliens from Space - The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects(pp. 39-40). New York: The New American Library. LCCN73-83597.
^DeWitt, B. S. (1953). New directions for research in the theory of gravitation.Essays on gravity. New Boston, New Hampshire: Gravity Research Foundation
^abCisco, T. A. (2006)."Testing Heim"s theories".New Scientist.189(2539): 27.
^Stambler, E. (1957). "Anti-gravity – fact or fancy?".Aviation Age.27(5): 26–31.
^Aero News Digest section (March, 1956). Anti-gravity Studies Booming.Aero Digest,72(3), 6, 8.
^Sladek, J. (2003, February).Science Fiction and Pseudoscience[p. 16]. Berkshire, United Kingdom: Ansible E-ditions. First published in the British Science Fiction Association"sVector,62, November/December 1972.[1]
^abMooallem, J. (1889). "A curious attraction".Harper"s Magazine.315: 84–91.
^Babson, R. W. (1950).Actions and reactions – An autobiography of Roger W. Babson(Second revised edition). New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, pp. 340-344.
^Gravity Awards (1957, March).Sciencep. 390.
^Kerr, R. P. (2007, June 8). Discovering the Kerr and Kerr-Schild metrics. arXiv: 0706.1109v1 [gr-qc].
^Electrogravitics: Science or daydream? (1957, December 30).Product Engineering,28(26), 12.
^A list of forty papers was disclosed to the author on December 2, 2004 by Dr. Boyko V. Ivanov. Subsequent literature reviews expanded it to over seventy.
^Radzievskiy, V. V. and Kagal"Nikova, I. I. (1964, May 8).The nature of gravitation.Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Foreign Technology Division. (NTIS No. AD601762).
^Mallan, L. (1959).Russia and the big red lie(Fawcett Book 417). Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Publications, pp. 138-139.
^Schwartz, H. (1958, March 2). Russian reports a gravity theory.The New York Times. P. L-17.
^Frisch, B. H. (1965). "How to fall up".Science Digest.58(6): 42–46.
^Bass, R. W. (2002, Spring/Summer). Some reminiscences of control and system theory in the period 1955-1960: Introduction of Dr. Rudolf E. Kalman.Real Time[pp. 2-6]. Huntsville, Alabama: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,University of Alabama in Huntsville.
^abClarke, A. C. (1957). "The conquest of gravity".Holiday.22(6): 62.
^Mallan, L. (1958).Space satellites(How to book 364).Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Publications, pp. 9-10, 137, 139. LCCN58-001060.
^abForce (1960). "July 11".Missiles and Rockets.7(2): 27.
^Research section (February 8, 1958). How to "fall" into space.Business Week, (no. 1484) pp. 51-53.
^Stine, G. H. (1957). "Conquest ofspace: anti-gravity: power of the future".Mechanix Illustrated.53(6): 22–23.
^Intel (1956). "Towards flight without stress or strain… or weight".Interavia.11(5): 373–374.
^Brown, T. T. (1928, November 15). Great Britain Patent No. 300,311.
^Brown, T. T. (1929). "How I control gravitation. Science & Invention in the".Psychic Observer.37: 1.
^"Research By Others".
^Forward, R. L. (1961, September 11). Practical anti-gravity still far off.Missiles and Rockets,9(11), 28-45. Forward, R. L. (1963, March). Guidelines to antigravity.American Journal of Physics,31(3), 166-170.
^Kaiser, D. (1998). "A ψ is just a ψ? Pedagogy, practice, and the reconstruction of general relativity, 1942-1975".Studies in History, Philosophy, Modern Physics.29(3): 321–338.Bibcode:1998SHPMP..29..321K.doi:10.1016/S1355-2198(98)00010-0.
^Eisenstaedt, J. (1989). The low water mark of general relativity, 1925-1955. In D. Howard and J. Stachel (Ed.),Einstein and the History of General Relativity(pp. 277-292). Boston: Birkhäuser.
^Kaiser, D. (1999). Roger Babson and the rediscovery of general relativity.Fifth International Conference on the History and Foundations of General Relativity.University of Notre Dame,Indiana.
^Witten, L. (1998). Introductory remarks on the gravity research foundation on its fiftieth anniversary. Presented at the 15th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. In N. Dadhich and J. Narlikar (Ed.)Gravitation and relativity: at the turn of the millennium(p. 375). Pune, India: Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics.
^Confirmed on April 12, 2004 via private communication with Dr. David Kaiser.
^CWP at physics.UCLA.edu // Cecile DeWitt-Moretteat cwp.library.ucla.edu
^Podkletnov, E.; Nieminen, R. (1992). "A possibility of gravitational force shielding by bulk YBa2Cu3O7−xsuperconductor".Physica C.203: 441–444.Bibcode:1992PhyC..203..441P.doi:10.1016/0921-4534(92)90055-H.
^Woods, R. C. (2004). "February 4. Review of claims of interaction between gravitation and high-temperature superconductors".AIP Conference Proceedings.669(1): 1085–1092.
^Hathaway, G.; Cleveland, B.; Bao, Y. (2003). "April 1. Gravity modification experiment using a rotating superconducting disk and radio frequency fields".Physica C.385(4): 488–500.Bibcode:2003PhyC..385..488H.doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(02)02284-0.
^Li, N.; Noever, D.; Robertson, T.; Koczor, R.; Brantley, W. (1997). "August 1). Statis test for a gravitational force coupled to type II YBCO superconductors".Physica C.281(2–3): 260–267.Bibcode:1997PhyC..281..260L.doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(97)01462-7.
^Modanese, G. (1996). "August 20). Theoretical analysis of a reported weak-gravitational-shielding effect".Europhysics Letters.35(6): 413–418.arXiv:hep-th/9505094
^Wu, N. (2004). "Gravitational shielding effect in gauge theory of gravity".Communications in Theoretical Physics.41(4): 567–572.
^Kerr, R. P.(1963)."Gravitational field of a spinning mass as an example of algebraically special metrics".Physical Review Letters.11(5): 237–238.Bibcode:1963PhRvL..11..237K.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.11.237.
^Allen, K. N. (1988). "Undaunted genius".Clark News.11(1): 9.
^Google Image Result for http://www.coasttocoastam.com/timages/page/mark092705a.jpgat www.coasttocoastam.com
^Scott, W. B. (1992). "civil".Aviation Week & Space Technology.136(10): 66–67.
^Dolan, R. M. (2002).UFOs and the national security state: Chronology of a cover-up 1941–1973[Revised Edition]. Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.ISBN1-57174-317-0.
3 # 晴天201088322
UFO和外星人是肯定存在的,各國政府之所以不敢承認他們確實存在的主要原因是怕引起一系列的負面連鎖反應,會徹底推翻達爾文的進化論,各國的宗教信仰會崩塌,我們的神話故事裡和國外的神話故事裡,神仙,天神都是從天而降,有個詞不是叫 天神下凡 嗎?那麼這些所謂的神仙和上帝是否是外星人所乘坐的飛行器?那時的人們科技水平遠不如現在,看見有飛行器從天而降並從飛行器走出來了其他的生物,當然就奉之為神,一直流傳到現在。如果政府承認了外星人的存在,那麼那些透過宗教來控制人民思想的國家會受到衝擊,各國民眾對自己的政府是否能保護人民的信心產生質疑,引起社會恐慌,世界的秩序將會被徹底打破,人類的起源,人類存在的意義會被重新定義。
擁有瑞士和美國雙重國籍的愛因斯坦,曾經說: 邏輯會把你從A帶到B,想象力能帶你去任何地方!