to ride a bicycle
to cycle
bike riding
by bike
by bicycle
bo ride a bicycle
那個騎腳踏車的人在車水馬龍中迂迴穿行。That cyclist was weaving his way through the busy traffic.
他騎腳踏車與汽車比賽。He raced his bicycle against the motorcar.
騎腳踏車是項很好的運動,同時也不汙染空氣。Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesn’t pollute the air.
騎腳踏車是一種環保的交通方式。Cycling is an environmentally friendly form of transport.
我們希望鼓勵人們騎腳踏車上班。We hope to encourage people to bike to work.
to ride a bicycle
to cycle
bike riding
to ride a bicycle
by bike
bike riding
by bicycle
bo ride a bicycle
那個騎腳踏車的人在車水馬龍中迂迴穿行。That cyclist was weaving his way through the busy traffic.
他騎腳踏車與汽車比賽。He raced his bicycle against the motorcar.
騎腳踏車是項很好的運動,同時也不汙染空氣。Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesn’t pollute the air.
騎腳踏車是一種環保的交通方式。Cycling is an environmentally friendly form of transport.
我們希望鼓勵人們騎腳踏車上班。We hope to encourage people to bike to work.