  • 1 # 青田視野

    61-90天 。

    對於網貸逾期由於每家平臺的規定不同,所以對逾期的情況也是不太一樣。網貸逾期的天數不同對個人徵信的影響也是不同的,在徵信報告裡,如果是逾期1-30 天標為 "1",31-60 天為 "2",61-90 天為 "3" 依次遞推。








    英語翻‬譯:‬61-90 days.

    Due to the different regulations on overdue loans for each platform, it is not the same. In the credit report, if it is overdue for 1-30 days, it is marked as "1", 31-60 days is marked as "2", 61-90 days is marked as "3".

    The more days, the more serious. When the personal credit reference mark is "3", it is basically listed in the online loan blacklist by the bank, or called "Lao Lai". At this time, the situation is particularly serious. The use of basic credit cards will be restricted, and many bank businesses are difficult to handle.

    Generally speaking, if the borrower is overdue for "three consecutive months, six times in total", he will be regarded as a problem customer by the bank. If customers are frequently overdue, and each overdue does not exceed the grace period, the bank will upload it to the credit information system according to the situation, and then the bank will measure whether the customers are maliciously overdue according to its own evaluation criteria.

    Extended information:

    The consequences of online loan overdue: credit will be damaged, be included in the "blacklist" system, affect personal credit; fine interest and liquidated damages, high interest and corresponding liquidated damages; bear the platform fancy collection, overdue for a long time, the platform is no longer persuasive, began to carry out practical action; the event of borrowing money not to return belongs to civil disputes, serious circumstances will be in prison.

    For more serious overdue online loans, once a record is left, it may be kept for five years. If the circumstances are particularly serious, the bad debts caused by non repayment will be kept forever in the credit report.

    If the overdue payment lasts for more than 90 days, it is likely to cause a credit blacklist. If it is on the blacklist, it will affect the future purchase of a house, a car, a ticket, a plane and a hotel.

    Therefore, the serious overdue online loans, or running, have a great impact on the future life.

    Source: Baidu Encyclopedia online loan

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