1 # 使用者1692471985152
2 # AA雲中漫步AA
1. 會計(Accountants);
2. 審計、公司秘書和公司財務主管(Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers);
3. 建築師和景觀設計師(Architects and Landscape Architects);
4. 化學和材料工程師(Chemical and Materials Engineers);
5. 土木工程師(Civil Engineering Professionals);
6. 電氣工程師(Electrical Engineers);
7. 電子工程師(Electronics Engineers);
8. 工業、機械和生產工程師(Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers);
9. 其他工程專業人員(Other Engineering Professionals);
10. 農業和林業科學家(Agricultural and Forestry Scientists);
11. 早期教育教師(Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers);
12. 中學教師(SecondarySchool Teachers);
13. 全科醫生和住院醫務人員(General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers);
14. 其他醫生(OtherMedical Practitioners);
15. 註冊護士(RegisteredNurses);
16. ICT業務和系統分析師(ICT Business and Systems Analysts);
17. 軟體和應用程式設計師(Software and Applications Programmers);
18. 計算機網路專業人員(Computer Network Professionals);
19. 通訊工程師(Telecommunications Engineering Professionals);
20. 社會工作者(Social Workers);
21. 土木工程製圖員和技術員(Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians);
22. 汽車修理(MotorMechanics);
23. 電工(Electricians);
1. 會計(Accountants);
2. 審計、公司秘書及財務主管 (Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers);
3. 建築師和景觀設計師(Architects and Landscape Architects);
4. 化學和材料工程師(Chemical and Materials Engineers);
5. 土木工程師(Civil Engineering Professionals);
6. 電氣工程師(Electrical Engineers);
7. 電子工程師(Electronics Engineers);
8. 工業、機械和生產工程師(Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers);
9. 其他工程專業人員(Other Engineering Professionals);
10. 其他醫生(OtherMedical Practitioners);
11. 註冊護士(RegisteredNurses);
12. ICT業務和系統分析師(ICT Business and Systems Analysts);
13. 軟體和應用程式設計師(Software and Applications Programmers);
14. 計算機網路專業人員(Computer Network Professionals);
15. 通訊工程師 (Telecommunications Engineering Professionals)。