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    winning prize優勝獎;獎品例句1.Won the 2009 Quality Winning Prize issued by the General Manager under the joint efforts of the team.在團隊的共同努力下榮獲總經理頒發的2009年度品質優勝獎。2.What do you think of "winning prize by quitting smoking" ?如何看待“戒菸有獎”這一措施?3.you imagine winning the prize, not watching yourself winning the prize.你想象獲獎,而不是看著自己獲獎。4.The photo is the "Pulitzer Prize" winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan Famine.這張照片是“普利策獎”獲獎照片在1994年期間採取蘇丹饑荒。5.The title of his prize winning project was "How Gullible Are We? " The conclusion is obvious.他的獲獎專案的題目為:“我們有多麼容易受騙?”結論是顯而易見的。

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