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    突破:breakthrough. 解釋: breakthrough 英[ˈbreɪkθru:] 美[ˈbrekˌθru] n. 突破; 穿透; 重要技術成就; 爐襯燒穿; [例句]The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China 這家公司看來很有把握在中國取得重大突破. The breakthrough came hours before a UN deadline. 在聯合國的最後期限到來前數小時取得了重大突破. This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement 這算得上是一個改進吧,但說是“突破”就言過其實了. If such materials became generally available to the optics industry the payoffs fromsuch a breakthrough would be enormous 如果這些材料能夠普遍用於光學產業,那麼這一突破帶來的收益將非常巨大. With breast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obviousbreakthrough on the horizon 對乳腺癌等很多常見疾病來說,目前還看不到有明顯的突破.

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