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    晚安;翻譯:Good night 。;good night 晚安,一般是親近的人用的。 good nigh;sweet dream;sleep well;night這四種都可以。其中good night.大家都這麼說good night 就和good morning一個使用頻率.可以說good night dear、sweet、honey.親愛的,甜心等。;晚安英文短句:;晚安, 睡個好覺!Good night, sleep tight!;晚安--祝你做好夢! Good night -- sweet dreams!;長吻晚安 Long Kiss Goodnight;那麼晚安 Good night then.;他向她道晚安 He wished her good night.;甜蜜的夢!晚安!Sweet dreams!;他打著呵欠道晚安。He yawned out a good night.;他說了聲‘晚安’, 就去睡覺了. He said, `Goodnight," and went to bed.;一句話英文晚安;In such a cold winter evening, love is luxury, making couples happier and the single lonelier.;在這寒冷的冬夜,愛是一種奢侈,它讓情侶更幸福,孤單者更寂寞。

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