  • 1 # 使用者4912889400776

    歌曲: my head

    I got in the car

    And turned the volume to ten

    I tried to scream along

    The words to something big

    But my lungs couldn"t handle it

    My chest was strained

    And my face was red

    But the albums make it sound so easy

    Put your mouth to microphone

    And the pressure gets released

    But it never sounds the same

    When you"re the one who"s screaming

    Between the world and my brain

    This voice supports everything I think on its back

    And its little spine is bending

    I"ve listened all my life and you haven"t told me anything

    Where"s the embarrassment?

    Where"s the banality?

    I wanna hold the moments that you flush from your memory

    One day I"ll make songs

    Songs"ll make it permenant

    Form it in forms

    The whole world might learn from this

    And then all the hours of paralysis, imprisonment

    It might be worth it, might be worth it, might be...

    My head is spinning

    But very, very slowly

    And I hope one day my singing

    Might contain or control it

    There"s a temporary sanity

    In this anorexic vanity business

    Satisfaction can"t exist

    I love work, I love success

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