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    中文名稱:勇氣戰勝恐懼外文名稱:Guts Over Fear歌曲原唱:Eminem,Sia歌詞: Feels like a close, it’s coming to  感覺即將走到終點  Fuck am I gonna do? / It*s too late to start over  我該要做些什麼,重頭再來已是太遲  this is the only thing I, thing I know  這是我唯一熟知的事情  Sometimes i feel like all I ever do is  有時候我覺得我曾做的一切  Find different ways to word the same, old song  是在找尋不同的方式寫同樣的老歌  Ever since I came along  自從我獨自到來  From the day the song called ‘’Hi! My Name Is’’ dropped  自從my name is這首歌橫空出世  Started thinking my name was fault  我就開始認為我的名字是個錯誤  Cause anytime things went wrong  因為每當有事情出錯  I was the one who they would blame it on  我就是那個他們會指責的人  The media made me the equivalent of a modern-day Genghis Kahn  媒體將我刻畫成當代的成吉思汗  Tried to argue it was only entertainment, dawg  我試圖爭辯,一切只不過是娛樂而已  Gangsta? Naw, courageous balls  匪幫製圖,不,我只是有無畏的勇氣罷了  Had to change my style, they said I*m way too soft  我不得不改變我的風格,他們說我的唱得太軟了  And I sound like AZ and Nas, out came the claws(Em第一張專輯infinite被人詬病模仿Nas和AZ,從此他塑 造了Slim Shady這個角色,風格向暴力轉變)  於是我像az和nas一樣說唱,伸出了爪子  And the thing’s been out since then  從那時起也亮出了毒牙(Em後來的風格繼續變化,部分暴力弱化)  But up until the instant that I’ve been against it  但從某一時刻開始,我開始背道而馳  It was ingrained in me that I wouldn’t amount to a shitstain,I thought  根深蒂固的想法是我必將一事無成,我想  No wonder I had to unlearn everything that my brain was taught  難怪我記不得我腦海中被灌輸的一切  Do I really belong in this game? I pondered  我真的屬於這場遊戲嗎?我陷入了沉思  I just wanna play my part, should I make waves or not?  我只想做好自己的事情,我應該興風作浪,製造爭議嗎  So back and forth in my brain the tug of war wages on  這場拉鋸戰在我腦海中不斷地進行著  And I don’t wanna seem ungrateful or disrespect the artform I was raised upon  我不想忘恩負義,也不願對造就我的藝術不敬  But sometimes you gotta take a loss  但是有的時候你不得不承認失敗  And have people rub it in your face before you can get made pissed off  人們會指責你的錯誤並激怒你  And keep pluggin’, it’s your only outlet  繼續不斷努力,這是你唯一的出路  And your only outfit, so you know they gonna talk about it(only outfit指Em在部分人眼中根深蒂固的形象, 也指他無法改變的白人面板卻在黑人說唱領域生存)  是你唯一的形象,所以你知道他們會談論它  Better find a way to counter it quick and make it, ah  最好快速找到方法然後反擊,贏得一切,ah  Feel like I’ve already said this a kabillion eighty times  我感覺我已經說過它無數遍  How many times can I say the same thing different ways that rhyme我能把同樣的事用不同的押韻說多少遍呢  What I really wanna say is, is there anyone else who can relate to my story?  但是我真正想說的是,若是其他人對我的故事感同身受?  Bet you feel the same way I felt when I was in the same place you are, when I was afraid to  最好你能和我有同樣的和感受,當我和你處於相同境地時,當我害怕....  when I was afraid to  當我害怕  Afraid to make a single sound  害怕會發出一丁點聲音  Afraid I will never find a way out,out, out  害怕永遠不會找到出路  Afraid I never before, I didn*t wanna go another round  害怕我從未被人知,我不想再重蹈覆轍了  An angry mans power will shut you up  這個憤怒的男人的力量會讓你閉嘴  Trip wires in this house will cut our love(trip wires指遍佈在房子周圍保護房子而設立起的地線,指Em受到 困擾,不敢發出一點聲音(寫詞),他對音樂的愛變得很小心)  地線不慢房子周圍,愛是小心翼翼  Run out of excuses with every word  再也無法為任何一個詞來藉口  So here I am and I will not run  所以這就是我,我絕不會逃避  Guts over fear, the time is here  勇氣戰勝恐懼,就在此時此刻  Guts over fear, I shall not tear  勇氣戰勝恐懼,我不會崩潰哭泣  For all the times I let you push me around and kick me down  每一次我任你擺佈,我因你而低落,我可以做到Guts over fear, guts over fear勇氣戰勝恐懼  Feels like a close, it’s coming to  感覺接近尾聲,一切快要結束  Fuck am I gonna do? / It*s too late to start over  我該要做些什麼,重新開始已經太晚了  this is the only thing I, thing I know  這是我唯一,我唯一知道的事It’s like I was there once, single parents(single parents即指Em和他同父異母的弟弟由媽媽一個人撫養大,也 指Em自己和Kim的兩次結婚兩次離婚,儘管兩人達成協議共同撫養三個孩子,但某種程度上他也屬於單親父 親)這種感覺我也知道,單親父母Hate your appearance,did you struggle to find your place in this world?  討厭你的模樣,你有沒有在這個世界上找到一個屬於你的位置?  And the pain spawns all the anger on  痛苦產生了所有的憤怒  But it wasn*t until I put the pain in songs learned who to aim it on  但知道我將這些痛苦放在了歌中,才知道我該為誰而唱  That I made a spark,started to spit hard as shit  找到了動力,開始盡之為其說唱  Learned how to harness it while the reins were off  學會了如何在脫韁之時盡情馳騁  And there was a lot of bizarre shit,but the crazy part  而且還發生了很多瘋狂的事,但瘋狂的是  Was soon as I stopped saying"I gave a fuck"  當我不再說“我在乎這一切”時  Haters started to appreciate my art  人們開始欣賞我的藝術  And it just breaks my heart to look at all the pain I*ve caused  看我所造成的痛苦,這讓我傷心不已  But what am I gonna do when the rage is gone?  但我該怎麼去做,當所有的憤怒平息之後?  The lights go out in the trailer park  拖車公園的燈火全部熄滅  And the window that was closing and there*s nowhere elseI can go with flows in,And I*m frozen視窗正在慢慢關閉,我再也沒有空間去寫詞饒舌,我陷入了僵局  Cause there*s no more emotion for me to pull from因為我無法再挖掘出更多的感情  Just a bunch of playful songsthat I make for fun  只是做了一些我覺得有趣的,開玩笑的歌  So to the break of dawn here  所以破曉時分  I go recycling the same old song  讓我再寫了同樣的老歌  But I*d rather make“Not Afraid 2”than another make mothafuckin**We Made You* uh  但我寧願做一曲“Not Afraid 2”也不會再去做他媽的一首**We Made You*  Now I don*t wanna seem indulgent when I discuss my lowsand my highs My demise and my uprise,  我不想寬容自己,當我討論我的低谷,我的高潮,我的衰落和我的崛起  pray to God  向上帝祈禱  I just opened enough eyes later on  後來我已是做到睜大眼睛看清事實  Gave you the supplies and the tools to hopefully use it to make you strong  給你們精神物質和工具,希望它能讓你變得堅強  And enough to lift yourself up when you feel like I felt  當你跟我身處於同一種感受時,足以藉此鼓舞自己  Cause I can*t explain to y*all how dang exhausted my legs felt(Em曾沉迷於安眠作用的處方藥,在戒藥過 程中,Em的膝關節半月板曾撕裂)  因為我無法向你們講清楚,我的雙腿多麼的無力  Just having to balance my dang self  只是為了去試圖平衡那個邪惡的自己  When on eggshells,I was made to walk(walkingon eggshells類似中文的如履薄冰,此處指Em在微妙的處 境中繼續前行,並不畏艱險)那些討厭的弱者逼得我必須行走  But thank you ma,cause that gave me the, Strength to cause Shady-mania(Mania指對某種事情上癮發狂)  但是謝謝你,媽媽,給我力量去製造Shady-Mania  so when they empty that stadium  當人群湧入那個體育館時  At least I made it out of that house and a found a place in this worldwhen the day was done我走出了那間小房子並且當一天結束的時候,在這世界中找到了那麼一個角落  So this is for every kid who all*s they ever did was dreamt that one day they would just get accepted所以這首歌送給每一個只是夢想有一天能得到認可的孩子  I represent him or her,or anyone similar you are the reason that I made this song  我代表他或他,或者任何一個相似的你們,你們就是我寫這首歌的原因  Everything you*re scared to say don*t be afraid to say no more  所有你害怕訴說的,不用再害怕訴說  From this day on forward,just let them a-holes talk  從今天起,就讓那些混蛋去說  Take it with a grain of saltand eat their fucking faces off  別去在乎那些,直到將他們徹底擊倒  The legend of the angry blonde lives on through you when I*m gone,and to think I was當我離開,angry blonde的傳說會透過你們流傳下去,去想想我曾經  And to think I was,when I was afraid to  當我害怕  Afraid to make a single sound  害怕會唱出一個孤立無援的聲音  Afraid I will never find a way out,out, out  害怕永遠不會找到出路  Afraid I never beforeI didn"t wanna go another round  怕我從來沒有,我不想再走另一遍了  An angry mans power will shut you up  這個憤怒的男人的力量會讓你閉嘴  Trip wires in this house will cut our love  這所房子的網會砍斷我們的愛  Run out of excuses with every word  再也找不到任何一次詞來當做藉口  So here I am and I will not run  所以我在這裡,我絕不會脫離  Guts over fear, the time is here  勇氣戰勝恐懼,就在此刻  Guts over fear, I shall not tear  勇氣戰勝恐懼,我不會破碎  For all the times I let you push me around and kick me down  每一次我讓你推搡我然後將我踢倒  Guts over fear, guts over fear  勇氣戰勝恐懼 《Guts Over Fear》是美國說唱天王Eminem和澳洲女歌手Sia演唱的一首歌曲,收錄在Eminem發行的專輯《Shady XV》中,單曲已於2014年8月25日發行。其MV也於SHADYXV專輯釋出當天釋出,模特Chantelle Brown-Young飾演Sia,其中還插入的一段是Dodge(道奇) Charger SRT Hellcat汽車的廣告。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 成年以後,近視眼度數會增長嗎?