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    一輯《We Hate All Kind Of Violence…》 〓〓



    1. Candy (糖果)

    2. As much as I love you (像我愛你那樣多)

    3. Descendant of a warrior (戰士的後代)

    4. Your image at sunset (黃昏時刻你的影像)

    5. When you need me (當你需要我)

    6. What a irritating day, today (今天真不順)

    7. You are fast & I am slow (你快我慢)

    8. An age of characteristic (有特徵的年紀)

    9. About women (關於女人)

    〓〓H.O.T.二輯《Wolf & Sheep》 〓〓



    1. GO!H.O.T.! (去吧!H.O.T.)

    2. Wolf & Sheep (狼與羊)

    3. Free to fly (自由去飛)

    4. We are the future (我們就是未來)

    5. Full of happiness (幸福)

    6. The end of my inferiority complex (自卑情結的終結)

    7. Lost 12th birthday (第12個生日)

    8. Tragedy

    9. You & I (你和我)

    〓〓H.O.T.三輯《Resurrection》 〓〓



    1. Hope (希望)

    2. Line Up! (遵從!)

    3. The Spirit of Fighter (鬥魂)

    4. The promise of H.O.T. (海誓山盟)

    5. H.O.T. (House Of Trust) (一家之主)

    6. in i (--這首歌獻給被這個大環境拋棄的小孩們--)

    7. Monade

    8. Techno Love (制式愛情)

    9. You Got Gun? (有槍嗎?)

    10.Boys, Be a Legend! (男孩們,活出傳奇!)

    11.All Alone (獨自一人)

    12.Since you"ve gone (你走後...)

    13.Unity is as beautiful as one (合為一體的美好)

    14.X-mas BonusTrack - Wedding X-mas - (聖誕婚禮)

    〓〓H.O.T.四輯《I yah》 〓〓



    1. git it up!(Will Power) (鬥志!)

    2. I yah! (孩子)

    3. The way that you like me (你喜歡我的方式)

    4. My girl (我的女孩)

    5. 8.15(為了第二次獨立)

    6. Korean Pride (南韓人的驕傲)

    7. Do or die (非做不可)

    8. Celebrate (祝福)

    9. Soul (靈魂)

    10.PU HA HA (噗哈哈)

    11.It"s been raining since you left me (歡喜)

    12.Forever song (重來)

    13.Together, Forever (永遠在一起)

    〓〓H.O.T.五輯《OUTSIDE CASTLE》 〓〓

    2000年10月7日 第五張專輯面世


    1. Outside Castle(城堡之外)

    2. Delight

    3. We Can Do It

    4. My Mother(我的母親)

    5. Pray For You(為你祈禱)

    6. Wish Of A Blue Bird(青鳥的希望)

    7. Time Will Tell(走著瞧)

    8. One Last Love

    9. Goodbye for the last

    10.A Song For Lady(For妍歌)


    12.Natural Born Killer

    13.Abandoned Children(被拋棄的孩子們)

    14.Always My Love

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