  • 1 # 坦克世界閃擊戰01

    香草天空 Vanilla sky 漿果女孩 Berry girl 亂月清風 Chaotic month cool breeze 秋水伊人 Is reminded of loved ones by the fall scenery日月醉春風Daily is drunk spring breeze風花雪月天Love affair day 秋水長天月Autumn waters daytime month 風鈴的寓言Wind chimes" fable 花間伊人笑Between the flower that person smiles 微Swift雙飛Micro swift dual flight 夢中紫羅蘭In dream violet也許那些英語不太準,這是電腦翻譯的,對不起哦!

  • 2 # 想要啵啵的啵啵

    香草天空 Vanilla sky ;漿果女孩 Berry girl ;亂月清風 Chaotic month cool breeze; 秋水伊人 Is reminded of loved ones by the fall scenery; 日月醉春風 Daily is drunk spring breeze ;風花雪月天 Love affair day ;秋水長天月 Autumn waters daytime month; 風鈴的寓言 Wind chimes" fable ;

    花間伊人笑 Between the flower that person smiles; 微Swift雙飛 Micro swift dual flight ;夢中紫羅蘭 In dream violet;星空之夜 night of the stars;特調咖啡

    青山老:美酒常在,青山不老 ;茅香村:和稻香村是一個型別的,茅草幽香,引人常往,有些古詩人的詩意 ;綠香霖:綠色甘甜的美酒; 綠香臨 :綠色環保的香醇一臨,就香飄四溢了; 金福來 :讓人想起了金六福,哈哈。

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