  • 1 # 影片好笑

    tape playerun.磁帶錄音機的放音裝置;小型錄音機;磁帶放音機;磁帶重放裝置磁帶放音裝置;錄影帶播放機;播放類機器例句1.Prepare a tape player, like a cassette tape recorder.準備一個錄音帶播放機,如盒式磁帶錄音機。2.Peter will. He has got a nice tape-player.彼得會帶。他有個很好的錄音機。3.A 12-v automobile battery supplies 20 c of charge in 5 s to a stereo tape player.一個12伏汽車電池在5秒鐘裡供給立體聲錄音機20庫侖的電荷。4.The idea had come to me as I listened to a commentator on my car"s tape player.當我在車裡聽一個評論員的評論時才產生了上述的這個想法。5.Then play your tape player and click on the record button of the recorder software at the same.接下來播放你的錄音帶播放機,同時點選錄音軟體上的錄製按鈕。

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