  • 1 # 被人說的話辣

    Forever love的意思是:永遠的愛,永恆的愛。forever:永遠love:愛,愛情這個片語多用於在告白和描寫愛情的場景中,也出現在很多的愛情歌曲中。例句:

    1、All leave to you, happy time in the past, forever love, everything will be stay here. 所有的留給你,曾經的美好,永遠的愛,我都將留在這裡。

    2、Congratulations, Honey Chris! You are our forever love! 祝賀你,寶貝!你是我們永遠的寶貝!擴充套件資料1、Eternal love結婚戒指象徵已婚夫婦之間永恆的愛。A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.2、undying love他們表白了對彼此永恆的愛。They declared their undying love for each other.

    3、immortal love我想要的是不變的青春和永恆的愛。All I want is the eternal youth and the immortal love.

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