注意:容易混淆的是,另外有一個“愛因斯坦獎”是由不出名的投資機構“Global Capital Associates”頒發給華斯博士的獎項。
具體資訊可查閱維基百科,輸入關鍵詞“Myron W. Wentz”,相關內容是這麼寫的:“In 2007, Dr. Wentz was awarded the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences by Global Capital Associates, an obscure American investment firm.[11] This award should not be confused with many others named after the famous physicist, mainly the more prestigious and well-known Albert Einstein World Award of Science given by the World Cultural Council and Albert Einstein Award in theoretical physics.”
2007年愛因斯坦科學獎的獲得者是J. Fraser Stoddart。
注意:容易混淆的是,另外有一個“愛因斯坦獎”是由不出名的投資機構“Global Capital Associates”頒發給華斯博士的獎項。
具體資訊可查閱維基百科,輸入關鍵詞“Myron W. Wentz”,相關內容是這麼寫的:“In 2007, Dr. Wentz was awarded the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences by Global Capital Associates, an obscure American investment firm.[11] This award should not be confused with many others named after the famous physicist, mainly the more prestigious and well-known Albert Einstein World Award of Science given by the World Cultural Council and Albert Einstein Award in theoretical physics.”
獎項名稱: 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦世界科學獎
主辦單位: 世界文化理事會