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    make the bed [英][meik ðə bed][美][mek ði bɛd] v.鋪床;例句1. Tom has done everything you wanted except make the bed.

    湯姆做了所有你讓他做的事情,除了鋪床2.Will you make the bed immediately after getting up in the morning?你早上起床後會馬上整理床鋪嗎?3.He said he would make the bed for me but he didn"t do so.他說他幫我整理床鋪的,但是他沒有這樣做。4.Wake up, have tea with my husband, make the bed, get the kids up, make breakfast and lunches, clean up the kitchen and start the laundry.起床,和我先生喝一杯茶,整理床鋪,叫醒孩子們,做早餐和午餐,打掃廚房,洗衣服。5.The child learned how to make the bed with his mother"s help.這孩子在他媽媽的幫助下學會了鋪床。


    make bed 鋪床

    make the bed v. 鋪床make one"s bed 整理床鋪make a bed 整理床鋪make up a bed 臨時搭起床鋪make the Procrustean bed 按照同一標準判斷 強求一致in bed 在床上,臥病在床bed in (炮手)固定炮位, 準備射擊

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