  • 1 # Abnnjhg

    shine: to produce bright light; to produce orreflect light; to be bright: 例:The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky;The dark polished wood shone like glass;The sun was shining;The moon shone brightly inthe sky.這個詞有時可與beam換用,但beam還可指發熱、傳導能量、無線電波等,而shine永遠只能是發光,並且多為比較明亮的光.twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines inthe dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a lightthat keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; twinkling lights in thedistance "天上的星星不說話,地上的娃娃想媽媽,天上的星星眨呀眨,媽媽的心呀魯冰花" 小時候聽過這首歌,因此對於星星眨眼睛印象特別深刻.這個眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不過人眨眼睛時可以說wink,星星就不可以.遠處的燈光忽明忽暗,也說twinkle.(星等)閃爍,閃耀;眨眼; (眼睛)閃閃發光;(雙腿)快速移動

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