  • 1 # ygccghcc

    peep,偷看,快速地偷偷地看某物,look quickly and furtively at something,生活中很少用,一般會用peek代替。peek,和peep是同義詞,快速地看,或偷看;但如果只是快速瞥一眼,則用peek而不是peep。而用在偷偷看的時候peep,peek都可以,peek更常用。例句, The lady who lives across the street peeps (or peeks) through a small opening in her curtains to see what I"m up to in the yard.peer, 英文解釋“to look searchingly at something difficult to discern",為了分辨或看清某物而仔細地看,即注視,凝視,盯著看。 例句, I have to peer at a coin when I"m trying to read the tiny date. discern,識別,類似find out/recognize。 也就是在凝視、盯著看之後再加一個辨別的動作。 例句,"I can discern no difference between the two policies."

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