  • 1 # ygcgnbv

    peer review [審計] 同業互查:除工作產品的作者之外的一個或多個人檢查該產品,以期發現缺陷及其改進時機的一種活動。雙語例句:

    1.This is done by the brutal system of peer review, which has its flaws. 這一切要由殘酷的同業互查系統來做,而它有自己的缺陷。

    2.Peer review is a powerful tool for sharing knowledge of an implementation, and streamlining it to be more robust and maintainable. 同行審查是一個共享實現知識的強大的工具,它能夠使系統程式碼更加強壯和可維護。

    3.This report has undergone unprecedented peer review from top experts in everyregion, representing the most intensive consultation process since the first WorldHealth Report was issued in 1995. 該報告經歷了前所未有的各區域頂級專家的同行審查,是1995年首次釋出《世界衛生報告》以來最深入的一次協商過程。

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