  • 1 # 使用者813918307929

    1、Only an expert should pronounce on the case. 只有專家才能對這件事發表意見。

    2、He has every right to pronounce on this matter. 他完全有權利對這件事發表意見。

    3、The problem is pronounced at public universities. 這個問題在公立大學中很明顯。

    4、I don"t want to pronounce on the solutions to that problem. 我不想對那個問題的解決方案發表意見。

    5、She"s too ready to pronounce on matters of which she really knows very little. 她太喜歡對自己實際上幾乎一無所知的問題發表意見。

    6、He pronounced it Per-sha, the way the English do. 他像英格蘭人那樣將它讀成Per-sha。

    7、How do you pronounce this word? 這個單詞怎麼讀?

    8、I now pronounce you man and wife. 我現在宣佈你們結為夫妻。

    9、I don"t know how to pronounce this word. 我不知道這個單詞怎麼發音。

    10、The doctors pronounced that he was no longer in danger. 醫生宣稱他已脫離危險。

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