1、透過mysql客戶端shell連線到伺服器,選擇使用的資料庫,輸入sql程式碼: select * from test_infointo outfile "/tmp/test.csv" fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by """ escaped by """ lines terminated by "\r\n"; 裡面最關鍵的部分就是格式引數 這個引數是根據RFC4180文件設定的,該文件全稱Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files,其中詳細描述了CSV格式,其要點包括: (1)欄位之間以逗號分隔,資料行之間以\r\n分隔; (2)字串以半形雙引號包圍,字串本身的雙引號用兩個雙引號表示。 透過執行上述程式碼,便可以將需要的資料以csv格式匯出到執行的檔案中。
2、另外,MySQL中匯入CSV格式資料的sql程式碼如下: load data infile "/tmp/test.csv"into table test_info fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by """ escaped by """ lines terminated by "\r\n";
1、透過mysql客戶端shell連線到伺服器,選擇使用的資料庫,輸入sql程式碼: select * from test_infointo outfile "/tmp/test.csv" fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by """ escaped by """ lines terminated by "\r\n"; 裡面最關鍵的部分就是格式引數 這個引數是根據RFC4180文件設定的,該文件全稱Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files,其中詳細描述了CSV格式,其要點包括: (1)欄位之間以逗號分隔,資料行之間以\r\n分隔; (2)字串以半形雙引號包圍,字串本身的雙引號用兩個雙引號表示。 透過執行上述程式碼,便可以將需要的資料以csv格式匯出到執行的檔案中。
2、另外,MySQL中匯入CSV格式資料的sql程式碼如下: load data infile "/tmp/test.csv"into table test_info fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by """ escaped by """ lines terminated by "\r\n";