  • 1 # CoreCode


    第二步我們可以在命令列視窗中輸入help norm,檢視一下norm函式的使用方法,

    第三步輸入a=[1 3 5;2 4 6;8 10 12],按回車鍵之後,輸入norm(a,1),求a矩陣的列範數,


    第五步輸入 norm(a,inf) 求a矩陣行範數,輸入norm(a, "fro" ) 求矩陣的Frobenius範數,

  • 2 # 玉桂狗是嚶嚶怪

    norm(A,p) 當A是向量時 norm(A,p) Returns sum(abs(A).^p)^(1/p), for any 1 <= p <= ∞. norm(A) Returns norm(A,2) norm(A,inf) Returns max(abs(A)). norm(A,-inf) Returns min(abs(A)). 當A是矩陣時 n = norm(A) returns the largest singular value of A, max(svd(A)) n = norm(A,1) The 1-norm, or largest column sum of A, max(sum(abs(A)). n = norm(A,2) The largest singular value (same as norm(A)). n = norm(A,inf) The infinity norm, or largest row sum of A, max(sum(abs(A"))) n = norm(A,"fro") The Frobenius-norm of matrix A, sqrt(sum(diag(A"*A))).

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