  • 1 # 喝Martell的貓

    Winter vacation schedule 寒假作息表 Seven o"clock七點鐘 Get up起床 Seven thirty七點半 Eat breakfast吃早餐 Eight o"clock八點鐘 Eleven thirty鍛鍊 Nine o"clock九點鐘 Do homework寫作業 Eleven o"clock十一點鐘 To have lunch吃午飯. Eleven thirty 十一點半 Eleven thirty 鍛鍊 Twelve thirty十二點半 Play玩耍 At one o"clock in the afternoon下午一點鐘 Do homework寫作業 At three o"clock in the afternoon下午三點鐘 Afternoon tea下午茶 At four thirty in the afternoon下午四點半 Play玩耍 At five thirty in the afternoon下午五點半 Eat dinner吃晚飯 At six thirty in the afternoon晚上六點半 Sleep睡覺

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 孩子感冒清鼻涕變濃鼻涕是快好了麼?