  • 1 # 被囚禁的王者

    春的英文是spring.夏的英文是summer.秋的英文是autumn.冬的英文是winter.讀音:spring的讀音是 [sprɪŋ].summer的讀音是 ["sʌmə] .autumn的讀音是 ["ɔːtəm].winter的讀音是 ["wɪntə].雙語例句:Seeds germinate in the spring. 種子在春天發芽。Warm breezes index the approach of spring. 溫暖的和風表明春天的到來。We have the rains in early summer. 我們這兒的雨季在初夏。They would abide in the summer house. 他們寧願住在避暑別墅裡。In autumn the days begin to draw in. 到了秋天,白天開始漸漸短起來。Leaves turn in autumn. 樹葉在秋天變黃。The prices of fruit generally run up during the winter months. 水果的價格在冬季幾個月裡一般總要上漲。I wish we could migrate from here every winter, as the birds do! 但願我們能像鳥兒一樣,每年冬季從這裡定期遷徙!相關短語:spring festival 春節(中國農曆正月初一)in spring 在春天spring and autumn 春秋hot spring 溫泉last summer 去年夏天;去年暑假summer vacation 暑假autumn leaves 秋天的落葉autumn wind 秋風cold winter 寒冷的冬天winter wheat 冬小麥

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