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    1、According to the passage的意思是:透過這篇文章。一般閱讀的開頭一段和最後一段會有相關總結全文的句子。2、according to[英][əˈkɔ:dɪŋ tə][美][əˈkɔ:rdɪŋ tə]na.根據,按照; 據…所說; 如; 比照;2、例句使用:(1)They both played the game according to the rules.他們倆都依章行事。(2)( by contrast, the national drop out rate is 24.5%, according to Nonprofit America "s Promise Alliance.)(根據非盈利組織美國希望聯盟的報告,全美範圍內學生的輟學率高達24.5%)(3)They must take their own decision according to their own legal advice.他們必須根據各自律師的意見自行決定。(4)If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.如果一切都按計劃進行的話,第一場音樂會將在星期二晚上舉行。(5)Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming.據亨明先生所說,菲利普住在旅館裡。

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