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    sql errorSQL錯誤例句1.The transaction should fail and an SQL error should occur.事務應該會失敗,並且出現一個SQL錯誤。2.Otherwise, the command fails with a Transact-SQL error.否則,命令將由於Transact-SQL錯誤而失敗。3.With the property set this way, any SQL statements from the application that are not bound to the database will result in an SQL error.採用這種方式設定該屬性,應用程式中任何未繫結到資料庫的SQL語句都將產生SQL錯誤。4.For a Transact-SQL step, the most recent Transact-SQL error number encountered while running the command.對於Transact-SQL步驟,指執行命令時遇到的最近的Transact-SQL錯誤號。5.Attempting a DML operation on a table that is in alter mode results in SQL error code -19992.如果嘗試對alter模式下的表執行DML操作,則會產生SQL錯誤碼-19992。

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